Monday, April 02, 2018

Money still talks louder than an AntiFa protest

The bad news. Seems to me as I sit here with my second cup of coffee and piece of cake left over from Easter dinner, breathing the rarefied air you only find in a secured compound, we’re losing this battle.  David the Hogg and his ilk are running amok destroying Laura Ingraham while we sit back and enjoy coffee and cake.  If the Hogg can destroy Ingraham, then who is next.  
Ingraham’s biggest mistake was NOT calling a whining little bastard a whiner.  Her mistake was offering an apology that she had to know was never going to do anything but inflame the mess.  She should have learned from Don the non and doubled down with, “Not only are you whiner, you apparently aren’t a very smart one. 4.2 GPA? Pffft.  Thanks to grade inflation, a 2018 4.2 GPA is equivalent to about a 1982 C-, big deal.” 
She did not do it.  Now her sponsors are bailing. 
That’s where the losing part comes in.  Where’s the push back from our side?  No politicians or conservative hosts that I’ve seen have stood up and said, “Hey look, if you’re going to put yourself out there and try to nullify the constitution with crybaby emotional BS, don’t be surprised if you are, at some point, called a whiner.  If you act like one, someone might just point it out.  Once identified as the crybaby that you are at age 18 (or soon to be) don’t pull the ‘I’m just a child’ card.  Young MEN not much older than you are rucking up, moving out and drawing fire in places we don’t even know about right now. They are ‘out there’ and don’t get to pull the ‘I’m only a child’ card.  So if you want to be ‘out there’ fine.  Go be ‘out there.’  Just don’t tell us you’re ‘child’ when being ‘out there’ gets a bit rough.” 
Everywhere you look schools are shutting down to march for Lefty Lib BS causes, Lefty Lib teachers openly verbally assault conservatives and their ideas, statues of American icons are vandalized and pulled down without a word of defense, AntiFa is arming themselves, MSM and the Hollywood swells will not give our side a break, etc. so what to do? 
First thing to remember is our side is shut out by design.  It’s all by design.  It’s designed to make you feel isolated – which when you ensconce yourself inside a compound may be exactly what you want, but I digress.  So I think it’s important to let them know we do not feel isolated somehow.  
How?  Well conservatives should make Laura Ingraham their cause celeb.  They should be totally unafraid to identify the Hogg for what he is a puny little, whining Lefty Lib puppet.  There should be a tit for tat movement organized against sponsors who let the Hogg run their ad campaigns.  Laura Ingraham should be interviewed and supported by every media personality and outlet that is a potential NEXT target for the Hogg and his agitators. 
Conservatives need to learn from Ben Franklin who reportedly said, “We need to hang together, or we certainly all hang separately.”  
Here, try this with any crowd that you can assemble.  Simple test, “Raise your hand if, by your 18th birthday, you have never been called something worse than a ‘whiner’ by someone more important to your life than a cable TV host.”  I was going to raise my hand then I remembered football practice, basketball practice, report cards, wrecked cars, dropped balls, missed tackles, unnecessary penalties, wrong lines in the school play, lost coats, damaged books, dumped canoes, broken bikes, etc. etc. etc. etc. to infinity. 
Someone once said, mistake are the only things we can call our own.  We learn more form them because we tend to dwell on them longer than success.  Today it seems to me the Hogg and whiny little pee ants like him are never exposed to the reality of their mistakes.  He is a whiner.  That’s an undeniable fact.  But you cannot say it like Laura Ingraham did without the Lefty Libs coming down on you with both feet trying to ruin your life.  We should all say it as loudly as possible and deffuse the fire directed a Laura Ingraham. 
The good news.  We probably have most the money.  If not in total terms at least in terms of the kind of money that is spent on the stuff cable TV advertisers are hawking.  I’m not a big boycotter.  I don’t spend enough money.  My two biggest annual expenses are haircuts and the offering at church which are, sadly, about the same.  I don’t buy enough of anything to make a difference. 
But if all the conservatives used their platforms to tell their followings to avoid purchases of Nutrish (not fit for dogs) pet food and Progressive insurance etc. it would put a significant dent in the bottom line of those companies and give other companies second thoughts about letting an 18 year old puny little whining punk dictate their ad strategies. 
The big problem now is that the left is organized.  We are not.  How did a bunch of anarchists not capable of organizing a one car funeral get organized?  The MSM, George Soros, Bloomberg, etc. are the organizing agents for the left.  We’ll never have that.  In fact any effort to organize criminalized and will be portrayed by the MSM as failing.  So we just have to do it. Make your money count for something.  It's pretty simple really.   
Get the new RANCO “Cone of Silence”
Apparently Alexa is capable of listening in on your conversations.  What to do?  “Get the new RANCO Cone of Silence that looks just like a bouquet of flowers in vase.  You can choose roses, daisies, tulips or even a mix.  But wait there’s more.  Order now and we’ll double your order.  Just pay a separate charge.  Place the RACNCO cone of silence over Alexa and wah la you have a beautiful floral display while keeping your private conversations private.”
The RANCO cone of silence is modeled after the cone of silence on the famous hit TV sitcom Get Smart.

In the onetime great sitcom Get Smart, when CONTROL Agent Maxwell Smart and his boss known as “Chief” wanted foil the eavesdropping capabilities of their evil rival known a KAOS, they would, with hilarious results, lower “the cone silence”.  
Hilarious because lowering the devise, like all government produced policies and equipment, created the exact opposite of what they intended.  Lowering “the cone or silence” resulted in Smart and Chief shouting at each other as if they were trying to be heard over the roar of a jet engine.  No?  Would you believe a diesel truck engine hauling a load of steel up a steep grade?  No. How about the roar of an electric lawn mower?  Would you believe that they were shouting at each other as if they were trying to be heard over the roar of a snail crossing a polished linoleum floor? 
Not only that, the only ones who couldn’t hear what was being said were the people inside “the cone of silence.” That’s funny stuff when you’re 8 years old.  Okay, it’s still funny to me. 
I’ve got dibs on this idea for Shark Tank, so don’t even think about it!


The Griffin said...

Gun companies ramped up production in 2016 expecting Shillary to be elected and a renewal of the gun debates. Refer to Barak Obama being the best gun sales person ever. But sales were down 30 percent in 2017. The Trump Slump. Remington filed for bankruptcy last week. I saw the owner of the NE Patriots allowed anti 2nd amendment protesters to use his plane. Where are the gun manufacturers? Many in New England and state of Massachusetts. Gun sales in last month? Up sharply. Hmmm. As the discussion rages and Hogg spews his diatribe, gun sales going up.

Lex E. Libertas said...

I saw a meme that had a photo of Obama saying, "I'm the best gun salesman - ever!" Under was photo Hogg saying, "Hold my sippy cup."