Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bring the hammer down on the deep state or expect another coup or assassination attempt

Lex’s pick for Attorney General – Joe diGenova – thinks, for the first time, that someone might actually go to jail behind the Demo-Dope soft coup attempt against PDJT.  I’m not so sure. Swamp creatures – Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans - are nothing if they are not like-minded boobs looking out for each other. 

Mitch McConnell gave an indication of what an opening salvo by the ReR response to any investigation into the Dope conspirators’ effort to overturn an election might look like – “it’s over” or “case closed.”   That’s what Mitch said about coward Boob Nifong Mueller’s BS report.  Such a response can as easily be transferred to investigations into the criminal activity that got the “Russian collusion” hoax started.

“Hey for the good of the country we need to move from all of this n both sides.”  The Dopes never move on from anything.  Look at gay marriage.  Vote after vote of the people overturned by unelected judges until congress passes a gay marriage law.  This will be no different.  The Dopes will not relent against PDJT and his family until they can get him.  The only thing that will stop that calculation is a good curb stomping at the pols in 2020.

On the other side the ReR’s will be imploring everyone to just move on begging in Rodney King fashion “can’t we all just get along.” No we can’t.  If someone isn’t jailed for this Russian hoax perpetrated in the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, al the way to the Barry The Empty Suit’s White house there is nothing sacred in the Republic.  If these “public servants” can with impunity undermine the will of the American people – what will NOT be tolerated?  Murder?  If these un-American weasels get away this, what happens when PDJT is swept to a second term?  Assassination? 

Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Power, Yates and hell yes Mueller and double hell yes Barry The Empty Suit all need to go to jail for this assault on America.  If nothing is done we’ll get more of this type of illegal activity and we’ll deserve it.           

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There truly is a whole lot riding on whether there is a meaningful investigation, with teeth, into the extremelhy subversive attempt to destroy the Trump administration. It has been unprecendented in my lifetime. I fear there will, ultimately, be no impact on those who connived, and perpetrated, the shadowy attempted cabal. If it turns out that way, it will be due to the federal government having already been occupied, totally, by a corrupt class of bureaucrats so solidly entrenched that only by extreme, and possibly extra-legal, means will they ever be eliminated.
