Thursday, May 09, 2019

Peloser relies on Dope army of losers

Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser might be looking to stage another Civil War with this comment, “But we cannot accept a second term for Donald Trump if we are going to be faithful to our democracy and to the Constitution of the United States.”  Well, they have yet to accept the first term of PDJT, so why the heck would we expect them accept a second term?

Given the tactics the unhinged Dope losers and #NEVERTRUMPers have used so far, which includes riots, burning campuses, open violence and shots fired against anyone in a MAGA hat or supporting PDJT, I expect Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser will be looking for her army of goofballs, AntiFa and the SFB crowd to up the ante after PDJT sweeps to another election win on the back of another super sh*tty Dope candidate. 

The good news in all of this is that the Dope army is likely to be heavily populated with the Nathan Phillips and Brian Sims types who confine their “heroics” to harassing teenagers and women. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

SFB Peloser needs a brain synapse check. She is nearly impossible to understand. I believe that if she expresses a coherent thought it is by accident. Thx Lex for interpreting this moonbat.