Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The curious case of Boob Nifong Mueller

It is not the “Mueller Report” part of Boob Nifong Mueller that I find curious.  The report generated by 18 PDJT hating deep state creeps and the 2 years and 40 million dollars that went into producing that piece of garbage are proof positive that Nifong Mueller is an anti-American dolt or maybe just stupid.  
Anyone familiar with this page knows Lex has railed against Mueller from the start.  The fact that this horse-faced weirdo loaded his team up with Trump haters, let his pointless investigation sail past the mid-term elections that put Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser back in control of the House all based on a phony Dope produced dossier is all you really need to know.  Well that and the one question that Nifong Mueller needs to answer:  At what point were you convinced that that there was no collusion between PDJT’s campaign and Russia? 
My guess is that Nifong Mueller knew there was no collusion well BEFORE the mid-term election. If this tall stack of excrement allowed the investigation to continue ahead of and beyond the mid-term elections knowing that there was no collusion, the Dope House majority is totally illegitimate.  Republicans ought to be saying:
“Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is a totally corrupt - totally illegitimate Speaker of the House.  She arrived in power because Nifong Mueller lacked the integrity and courage to report his findings when they became apparent.  Had Nifong Mueller had an ounce of honesty, he’d have reported out that there was no collusion between PDJT’s campaign and the Russians well BEFORE the mid-term election.  Had that information been known in September or even October, the Republicans would have held the House.  Nifong Mueller is a treasonous bastard and Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is an illegitimate Speaker.”

Okay, that’s that.  But that’s not why there’s a curious case of Boob Nifong Mueller.   There’s a curious case of Nifong Mueller because PDJT has said he’d allow AG Barr determine if Nifong Mueller would testify before House and Senate committees about his BS report.  AG Barr has indicated that he has no problem with Nifong Mueller testifying.  So why haven’t Fat Jerry Nadler and Pencil Neck Shiff subpoenaed Nifong Mueller for his testimony? (See above for the one “smoking gun” question Nifong Mueller will be forced to answer.) 
Nifong Mueller tried to sabotage PDJT's presidency.  Only PDJT’s force have will has limited Nifong Mueller’s and his the pile of deep state azzbaggery to seriously damage the nation. 
Nifong Mueller will also be forced to explain why he, a la Jimmy the shape shifter Comey, laid out 10 cases of possible “obstruction of injustice” but failed to indict.  That move has Dopes salivating over impeaching PDJT. If Nifong Mueller has the slightest hint of integrity that portion of the report would be at the bottom of the shredder pile in the office of the Special Council and the report itself would have been one page. 
But alas, integrity in Caligula, D.C. comes around about as often as Haley’s Comet. 
So, no, it’s not curious that Nigong Mueller is a lying, cheating, treasonous, deep state scum bag.  We’ve always known that.  It’s curious why the once Dope hero and projected savior hasn’t been forced to testify.  Grow a set manly orbs and testify Boob.

Today’s JG rant and BONUS rant
Re: Tim Tiernon’s letter, “Behind in arms control,” of May 26, 2019

Tim Tiernon claims he was “shocked” to learn $251 million was diverted from the effort to destroy US chemical weapons stockpiles in order to secure the US southern border.  I doubt it, because he notes later in his letter that “every president and Congress in the past 22 years” has failed to meet US responsibility to destroy its chemical weapons.  So why the shocked face at something that has been going on the past 22 years? 

Well for Tiernon, it only becomes shocking when PDJT is involved.  Tiernon is NOT shocked.  He’s just virtue signaling.  See he’s so much better rest of us, because he can effortlessly slip on his fake shocked face and feign concern about something he knows has been going on for more than two decades.  Look for Tiernon’s next shocked face when the sun rises in the east tomorrow. 

Here’s a news flash to Tiernon and the lefty libs:  Americans are the good guys.  Now I can see Tiernon’s real “shocked face” at that proclamation.

Hell yes “we are willing to go to war over chemical weapons in other countries.”  The likelihood of the US using such weapons is somewhere between 0% and .000000001%.  “Other countries” have demonstrated a proclivity to use their stockpiles, and those are the weapons that will be used against our forces and the forces of allies.  So yeah, reasonable people get concerned.

We have money to dismantle weapons in the former Soviet Union because our own weapons are well secured, inspected and maintained.  Weapons in the former Soviet Union and its satellites are not.  Crazy as it sounds, it is in our best interests to destroy the former Soviet Union’s weapons before they degrade and become unstable or worse disappear into the wrong hands. 

I’m shocked, supposedly “shocked” people can’t figure this out.

Doug Schumick
Fort Wayne for Common Sense

Behind in arms control
On May 13, The Journal Gazette published a Washington Post article about Defense Department plans to shift money to President Donald Trump's border wall.
I was shocked to read that $251 million will be taken from the effort to destroy our stockpile of chemical weapons.
We have the largest remaining stockpile in the world. They should have been destroyed by April 29, 2007 (10 years after we agreed to the chemical weapons convention).
We had 2,770 metric tons of binary nerve agents, Lewisite, mustard sarin, soman and other chemicals as of December 2015, according to armscontrol.org.
In January 2018, we still had 2,616 metric tons of these weapons.
Do the math. We were destroying about 77 metric tons per year before the effort was defunded by $251 million.
It appears we are willing to go to war over chemical weapons in other countries, but we are not serious about keeping our commitment to eliminate our stockpile.
Every president and Congress in the past 22 years bears responsibility for this failure.
How can we have money to dismantle weapons of mass destruction from the former Soviet Union, money to return to the moon, etc., but lack money to eliminate our dangerous chemical weapons stockpile?
America needs to lead by example. We will be unable to make new arms control treaties with our adversaries if we fail to honor our commitments.
Tim Tiernon
Fort Wayne for Peace
RE: Chester Baran’s letter, “Possible extinction has gluttons unconcerned,” of May 25, 2019

Why worry?  I have it from a reliable source, from a former bartender no less, that the world is coming to an end in 12 years.

Take comfort in knowing it’s not our fault!  China is by far the largest producer of CO2 emissions in the world.  Even if Americans literally held our collective breaths to reduce CO2, we could not save the planet from those gluttons in China.  

Since about 2000, even without holding our collective breaths, America has steadily reduced its CO2 footprint.  While America continues to get environmentally cleaner, the Chinese as well as the rest of the world’s collective CO2 footprint soars. 

Holy Carbon Credits Batman, maybe America is the answer not the problem!

America is not a planet.  Even if we enacted every one of the former bartender’s Green New Deal proposals tomorrow the effect on the planet over the next 20 years – oops make that - 12 years, would result in a less than a 1% reduction in the world’s CO2 production.

While America is not the problem when it comes to CO2 emissions, it is probably the world’s best hope for innovating our way around the perceived problems CO2 production pose. If lefties and green weenies really wanted to solve the problem they’d get out of the way and let American ingenuity and industry take over.

When lefties and green weenies try their hands at environmentalism, you get electric car which are largely powered by coal generated electricity.  Coal burning cars to reduce CO2 emissions?  Weird huh.  When the lefties get involved you get mandatory CFL light bulbs nearly 100% of which are produced in China - the world’s largest polluter.  Huh?  When clueless former bar tenders run things you get wind and solar farms that produce far more environmental harm than clean affordable energy. 

Possible extinction has gluttons unconcerned
Night after night the national news reports the violent weather sweeping across the United States. Heat, cold, wind, rain, snow and fires are occurring in greater frequency and with magnitude described as “historic,” “biblical” and “unbelievable.” Less mentioned are the acidification of the oceans, rising sea levels, thawing permafrost, toxins and animal excrement draining into rivers and leaching into ground water. And who knows where all our garbage goes?
To me, this is a crisis that needs to be dealt with. Yet we blithely mine, drill, frack and produce to satisfy our voracious consumer appetites.
We apparently have no sense of responsibility or moral qualms for the living conditions we are leaving to our posterity. We freak out over women's reproductive rights and gay marriage but shrug off possible extinction.
Several generations of Americans feasted on the bounty of nature. Now that they are pulling their chairs from the table, they are refusing to clean up after themselves. Some even deny that there is a mess at all.
Arguably the most gluttonous of the diners, Donald Trump, occupies the White House where, Nero-like, he entertains himself with inane tweets while the planet burns.
Chester Baran
Fort Wayne

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