Thursday, May 16, 2019

Theological questions asked – by an idiot – answered with common sense

Today's JG rant 
Re: John Boerger’s letter “Theological questions,” of May 16, 2019

Q:  How many more sacrificed to the god of the Second Amendment?

A:  None.  Use your Second Amendment right to buy a gun and exercise your God-given right to protect yourself, your family and others.  Firearms are used over 2 million times a year to prevent crime just by being shown without ever being fired.  Refuse to be a victim.  Buy a gun.

Q:  How much more blood to satiate the god gun?

A:  None.  Guns are inanimate objects.  When at rest they are no more dangerous than a hammer.  It’s only when the gun falls into the hands of a criminal or mentally unstable individual who has no more regard for the more than 20,000 gun laws already on the books than they do for other laws, murder etc. that the chaos and carnage ensues.  Once such cases begin they are governed by the John Wayne rule: The bad guy usually doesn’t stop shooting until a good guy with a gun shows up.  See answer one:  Refuse to be a victim.  Buy a gun.

Lord have mercy deliver us from evil. See answer one: Use your Second Amendment right to buy a gun and exercise your God-given right to protect yourself, your family and others.  Refuse to be a victim.  Buy a gun.

Theological questions
How many more sacrificed to the god of the Second Amendment?
How much more blood to satiate the God Gun?
Lord Gun have mercy!
John Boerger

Fort Wayne 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Sixty percent of gun violence is done by people with past criminal records. Drugs. Gangs. More youngsters die of overdoses than being shot. Stop the flow of drugs. Crack down on gangs. And stop blaming those of us that have firearms, no criminal record, and are responsible gun owners. Common sense approaches instead of just throwing a couple of comments like John Boerger. As though he is saying something that contributes to addressing any problems.