Thursday, May 30, 2019

Coward, liar Boob Nifong Mueller reduced to nothing more than a national Rorschach test

All you need to do is test the reaction of the Demo-Dopes Vs. Republicans.  After the speech, CNN’s panel of 35 concluded that Nifong Mueller clearly was laying out the case for impeachment because PDJT obstructed justice.  He said no such thing.  Republicans say Nifong Mueller found no case for collusion or obstruction.  Each sees what they want to see.

Nifong Mueller had two years and two perfect opportunities – his Nifong Mueller Rorschach report and yesterday’s Nifong Mueller Rorschach speech – to say PDJT was guilty of something or an even lower bar that there was a 50.001% likelihood that PDJT had committed a prosecutable crime.  He made no such charge.

Instead, ever the coward, Nifong Mueller punted the ball on both occasions.  He had one job.  He spent two years and 30 million bucks, but he didn’t do his job.  He produced one Nifong Mueller Rorschach test – the report – then yesterday he produced another.  He charged PDJT with nothing.  He proved nothing.

He concluded that the Russians did indeed, as they have done for the last 60 years, try to influence the 2016 election.  That’s remarkable because the guy that was supposed to stop such interference, Barry The Empty Suit, clearly told Putin to “knock it off.”  A verbal warning from a little waif. Ooooooooooo I’ll bet that had ol’ Vlad shaking in his boots.

So ol Vlad and the Russians did what they’ve been doing for last 60 years.  They F---d with lil TES.  They F---d with Johnny the Red Brennan.  They F---d with Jimmy the fib clap clap Clapper.  They F---d with Jimmy the shape shifter Comey. All of the Russian interference occurred right under these wizards of smart’s noses.  They did nothing.  What did Nifong Mueller say about that?  Nothing.

Nifong Mueller went so far as to indict Russians that he knows will never stand trial in the US.  Yesterday Nifong Mueller conferred the presumption of innocence on the Russians.  Later, Nifong Mueller told us that he couldn’t charge PDJT because there was no way PDJT could defend himself at trial and it would be unfair to charge him if he would never go to trial.

Wait, what?  The Russians get charged with no expectation of trail but receive the presumption of innocence.  PDJT does not get charged, but he has to meet Nifong Mueller’s new standard of proof to wit – If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” so if Boob Nifong Mueller cannot prove that you are innocent then you must have committed some sort of crime.  The Dopes are off and running.  Good luck with that one.  There’s a reason they are referred to as “Dopes” on this page.

Last, Dopes never talked about “Russian interference” that they knew was taking place when Shrillda the Hutt was supposed to win the election, because they didn’t want anyone to think the Russians had anything whatsoever to do with her “big win.”  When PDJT kicked her fat lazy butt the exact people who were supposed to stop Russian interference started to claim the Russians stole the election.

Where are we today?  Exactly where we were at this time yesterday.

China is threatening to cut off exports of rare earth to the US – no not pirated CDs from the band.  America gets about 80 of its rare earth materials from China.  This is not a good thing.  We shouldn’t be relying on a bunch of Godless commie bastards for 80% of anything we need to make America run.  It is in our best interest to cultivate new sources.  Thank you China for the wake up call.       

Today’s JG rant
Cheers to Frank Fromme Jr. for having the skill and courage to take a large number of wild animals in legal hunts. 

Cheers to Frank Fromme Jr. for paying 10s of thousands of dollars over his lifetime in licensing fees to protect wildlife habitat and manage herds.

Cheers to Frank Fromme Jr. for spending 10s of thousands more of his own dollars to preserve the animals he took in a long and storied hunting career.

Cheers to Frank Fromme Jr. for allowing thousands who otherwise might never see the beauty of these magnificent specimens up close the opportunity to do so.

Jeers to clueless sourpusses like Jack Rhoades who obviously know very little about wildlife management and who mindlessly advocate arresting people for engaging in legal activities.

Trophy hunter bad pick for newspaper feature
Very sad, the article on Page 8C on May 19. All the senseless killings of those innocent animals by Frank Fromme Jr. just for the “sport” and entertainment of one man. And then to make a museum out of that? What a travesty.
Why did those beautiful animals need to die? It would have been much more humane to take pictures of those magnificent creatures and frame them so people could look at them instead, and they would have still been alive. Very disheartening and sad.
The guy should have been arrested instead of revered. Someday a lot of those animals will be extinct and we will wonder why.
Jack Rhoades
Fort Wayne

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