Sunday, May 19, 2019

The louder they protest the guiltier they likely are

NOTE:  I have infusion #8 today so posting may be light over the next few days.  If care to follow this cancer journey you can visit my Caring Bridge page:

All of Berry The Empty Suit’s army of double d-bags are covering down, closing ranks, locking arms, lips, butt cheeks and anything else that can be locked because the scumbags appear to be guilty as hell of conspiring to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States.  The d-bag army is vigorously lashing out at PDJT, Attorney General Barr and anyone else who can put two plus two together and come up with four in an effort to discredit anyone who is wise to their treason.

Given the content of this article, the next target of the dbl d-bag army is likely to be the IG Horowitz who apparently has some no sh*t bombshell info that will cause Lil’ Barry and dbl d-bag army some real problems.  The treason caught in the article appears to be the tip of the iceberg of what is going to come out when the report is released.   

Caution:  We’ve been down this road before.  Sometimes the bombshell fizzels like a lady finger firecracker.  You remember those?  The ones you held between thumb and forefinger while went to prove something to your buddies – like you’re a dumbazz.  But aside from a bit of a burn, no harm was done.  Now, let’s try that trick with a Black Cat – no thanks.

The way these people are lashing out reminds of trapped rabid rats.  They lash out anyone – even the other rats – that threaten them.  It’ll be interesting to see who gets thrown overboard then hung out to dry to take the fall under the bus on this – quite the mixed metaphor there.

Lil’ Barry The Empty Suit’s “wingman” the contemptible Eric the wad Holder has crawled out from whatever rock he was hiding under and slimed his way to the MSM to report that AG Barr isn’t fit to lead the DOJ.  Well whatever AG Barr has done, you worthless turd biscuit, no Border Patrol Agents were killed the process like under your watch SFB.  

Today's JG rant 
Re: Betty Allan’s letter, “Misplaced focus,” of May 19th, 2019

There are no more important issues for politicians than protecting innocent life and our constitutional rights. Infanticide, the growing position among leftists, is murder.  The right to “keep and bear arms” is constitutionally protected.  The right to life and self-protection are not only constitutionally protected, they are God-given, and they are consistent with natural law.  

Misplaced focus
Politicians need to stop trying to control women's bodies and put as much effort into gun control, protecting our children after they're born.
Betty Allan
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

IG Report will fit The Swamps' arrogance. Rules? Like the person pulled over by Sheriff Andy. "We have you driving 50 mph in a school zone. Not wearing a seat belt. No drivers license. No insurance. No vehicle registration. I will have to write you some tickets." And The Swamp Dwellers reply? "Give me your badge number! Do you know who I am?"
This is when we want the book thrown at them. We follow the rules, many of them BS but follow them, while The Swampers scream that the rules don't apply to them. Let the wheels of Justice spin. Bring the guilty SOB in. Whack em hard.