Monday, December 16, 2019

UK elections and Lex's Man of the Year

Boris Johnson laid waste to the Labour Party and in the process maybe the elite, we’re better than you, haughty European Union.  In a thrashing so severe, so complete and so widespread not even the lying double d-bag American MSM could spin it into anything but what it was - a colossal, undeniable, unmitigated beat down of Labour and its socialist/communist policies.

Like American elections, I suppose there were many reasons for Johnson’s victory, but chief among them had to be his “I’LL get BEXIT done!” stand.   Now after three years of elites telling the people of the UK that they really didn’t mean it when they voted to leave the blood sucking, sovereignty severing, elitist nanny state EU SFB. Now the elites have been electorally kicked in the groin and had a fist smashed through their pointy noses.  Labour and EU elitists in the UK and Brussels are now on their hands and knees feeling about for their broken round wire frame glasses and wiping the blood from their noses so they can get up and demand someone “hold them back” in order to save the ruffian who just beat their prim elitist azzes from the thrashing he so richly deserves.   

Prediction:  Once Johnson makes it clear that he WILL ax ties with the EU in favor of trade agreement with the U.S. the dominoes will begin to fall as other EU members leave the taxes for nothing and BS for free EU organization.  EU wankers will start talking about new and improved soft BREXIT options.  The BS elitist EU F**Ks, who successfully bullied the hapless Theresa May, will get a jolly old “go f**k yourselves” from Johnson as they grovel like children begging mom for a piece of candy at the supermarket checkout (damn the people who put that stuff there).

Now the Dopes are looking at the UK elections as precursor to their own upcoming azzwhippin.  They are smart to do so.  But the farthest leftist reaches of the Demo-Dope party are not able to read the sign written 12 foot letters: DANGER AHEAD!  So they, like the Light Brigade of Tennyson fame, are willing to ride into the “jaws of death” rather than moderate their free everything for everyone… make that free everything for everyone in the entire world policies.  But unlike the Light Brigade, that made a historic, heroic charge against a well-prepared enemy and enjoyed a death in the glory of honorable combat, the Dopes have stuck their heads in the oven and turned on the gas knowing their adolescent children will discover their dead bodies.  Politically speaking of course, theirs is a political suicide.

Slow Joe – dumb as fence post - is billing himself as the moderate in the field.  That’s another lie from the sloth like Biden.  His Royal Slowness, among other things, raised his hand supporting healthcare for illegal aliens and has said no one needs an AR 15 adding his famous verbal “period” on the end of that BS claim.  Those are NOT moderate positions.

Lemmesee, how to put this?  Okay, not only is Slow Joe is a F**K, he’s a stupid F**K and not only is he a stupid F**K, he’s a stupid, lying F**K, and not only is he a stupid, lying F**K, he’s a stupid, lying, thieving F**K and not only…well you get the point.

The man of the year
The failing Time Magazine announced child know-nothing and climate alarmist Greta Tunberg as their “person of the year.”  Thunberg immediately went out and said, “We will make sure that we put them against the wall and they will have to do their job to protect our futures.”  The little girl wonder blamed the quote on her ”Swenglish” and was not alluding to that world leaders who fail to toe her crazy line should be executed.

I’ll give the ignorant little show off the benefit of the doubt, but it’s a crazy world when it comes to leftists these days.  They are becoming more and more violent when they do not get their way these day.  AntiFa, the left’ thug army, are probably already taking Greta’s words at face value and have begun looking for a wall and gun for the executions.  They don’t like democracy.  They get violent when they lose elections. Don’t believe that?  Watch this.

Greta Thunberg is a spoiled little fool.  She is the world’s Carmelita Spats.  Series of Unfortunate Events book aficionados know of whom I write.  For the unwashed has this outline of the Carmelita Spats character:

Carmelita is a mean, arrogant, snobby and selfish girl who cares for nobody but herself, demanding respect and reverence for herself, and insults the Baudelaires by calling them "cakesniffers". Carmelita acts as if she is the center of the universe and the entire world revolves around her. Her spoiled personality makes her show no respect to her elders and the world around her. To the Baudelaires and Quagmires, Carmelita was an insufferable and cruel bully. 

She is incredibly self-centered, but most adults seem uncaring of her attitude. Vice Principal Nero encouraged her behavior and believed her to be a darling little girl, while Esmé seems unaware of these traits or even is implied to adore them, spoiling and fussing over Carmelita, of which Olaf highly disapproves. Olaf seems rather annoyed by her, as he is used to having things his own way, and it comes as a blow when Esmé seems more interested in Carmelita's needs. When Esmé was convincing Carmelita to join them, she tells her, "You'll be the adoptive daughter we never had", while looking at the Baudelaires in a mean way. Even though Olaf is less fond of Carmelita, and this dislike grows through the series, both he and Esmé seem to bend to Carmelita's every whim. He is persuaded to name his submarine the Carmelita after she says the Olaf is a "cakesniffing" name. He also renamed his boat from the Count Olaf to the Carmelita.

Strip out Lemony Snickit's other characters from the series and tell me what in that blurb doesn't fit Greta to a "T"?  It is eerily accurate.  Truth reflects fiction.

They even look alike - well if the angry troll could manage a smile:

There are about 7.8 billion people in the world.  Strip out a few million and any person that’s left would provide a better choice for “Person of the Year” than Greta.  Time Magazine, like most of the lefty lib presidential candidates, are simply pandering to uninformed morons with this choice.

The clear choice for Man of the Year is President Donald J. Trump.  

Donald Trump tweets image of himself as ROCKY | Daily Mail ...

Here’s the undeniable truth:  PDJT is the ONLY thing that stands between people like us and the Greta Thunbergs
of the world who would literally put us against a wall if they thought they could get away with it. 

No, hell no, we cannot count on the Republican Party.  3/4ers of them are Dope sympathizers and collaborators or worse.  For right thinking Americans, it’s PDJT or bust.

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