Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeachment nothing but a clown show but somehow brings Dopes closer to the Lord

The Dope clown show was on full display yesterday for all of the unemployable Hunter Biden type Dopes to sit in mom’s basement and relevel in for 8 hours. I couldn’t stomach 10 minutes of it.

Riddle me this Batman:  How is it one Dope after another went to floor of the House of Representatives and claimed that there was “clear evidence” PDJT had committed high crimes and/or misdemeanors but Chuckles the weeping clown Scummer demands witnesses be called to the senate trial to prove the case?  Hmm?  Makes no sense.  Shouldn’t the Dopes have proven the case in House before voting on impeachment?  Why did they all say the case was made if, according to Chuckles, it wasn’t?  Lucy, someone has some splainin’ to do.

Praise the Lord the Dopes have found Jesus – and it’s just in time for Christmas:  Lying hosebag - Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser - has invoked religion into the impeachment process from the beginning.  The baby murdering “Catholic” talked about impeachment being a “prayerful” process.  Several Dopes injected prayer and religion into their two minutes of lies on the House floor.  So we’re supposed to believe that the party that rails against every notion of religion in the public square and sued the Little Sisters of the Poor has suddenly found religion. I know that every human being who looks in a mirror sees a hypocrite and sinner staring back but this is just too much.  I don’t believe a word of it.  BS artists don’t begin to describe it.  BS artists are straight shooters compared to this bunch.  Grand Nan even invoked the Pledge of Allegiance.  Did anyone ask the queen of botox to voice an opinion on the “one nation, under God” portion of the pledge that leftists demand be excised?

Ukraine is a matter of “national security” – who knew?  Really?  The Kurds are indispensable allies and the Ukraine is a matter of national security.  BS.  If that were true why didn’t The Empty Suit declare war on Russia when they stole Crimea out from under his turned up nose?  Ukraine is about as important to US national security as Lower Slobovia – that is, it isn’t.  Total BS.  Ask every damn one of them if Ukraine is worth going to war over.  My guess is that every one of them will answer in the negative.

Pre-crime:  Apparently impeachment is vital to keep PDJT from committing the pre-crime of interfering in the 2020 election.  It so vital that Queen Azzbag Grand Nan is considering withholding the charges from the senate until she can get Mitch McConnell to agree to a conviction and removal of PDJT in the name of “fairness.”  So much for the axiom “justice delayed is justice denied.”  I could have sworn defendants were ENTITLED to a speedy trial.  I guess there’s an Azzbag Speaker of the House clause.  Defendants are entitled to a speedy trial unless a corrupt, lying, thieving weasels occupies the office of Speaker of the House.  My hope is that old bag keeps turning western norms of justice on their heads.  The longer she keeps kicking her Dope buds in the groin with this impeachment scam the longer the American people have to figure out what a worthless lot the Dopes truly are.

The Trump factor:  The Dopes miscalculated from the start.  Wile E. Demo-Dope was sure that they had PDJT lined up under the Acme anvil for sure when the anonymous Blower came forward with complaint about the Ukraine phone call.  The Anvil fell on Slow Joe Biden’s head when the worthless lying bag of sh*t was dragged into the sh*t show after PDJT unexpectedly released the transcript of the call.  PDJT, unlike any other Republican, will fight back hard.  So far, I’d say impeachment has been a net gain for PDJT and net bat to the back of the head for the Slowest of all Joes.  So, yeah, keep it up.

Impeachment dodge:  The IG report is out.  Durham’s report is coming.  The Dopes need something, anything to distract from the azzwippin’ those reports are going to lay on tier worthless azzes. So Grand Nan may withhold the article from the Senate until Durham releases his report.  Then the Dopes’ sycophantic MSM can give all their attention the impeachment being moved to the Senate while ignoring the Durham report.  

Prediction:  Grand Nan will get hammered daily about moving the “critically important impeachment” onto the senate. Dopes will continue to their slide in the polls.  Hip-hip-hooray!!!       

Today’s JG rant:
The local fish wrap solicited letters on impeachment – as if they needed to.  Lex tilted at the windmill with this spot on missive:

As the Democrat Party slides past socialism onto full blown communism, it’s fitting they have chosen Dec 18th to impeach PDJT.  Dec 18th, 1878 is the birthday of leftist hero Uncle Joe Stalin. 

It was, after all, Uncle Joe’s head of Secret Police – Lavrentiy Beria – who once famously said, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”  The Democrats had their man late on the evening of Nov 8th, 2016.  They have spent every moment since trying to hang “the crime” on him. 

They have failed miserably.  So now they are reduced to just making crimes up out of whole cloth. The entire impeachment show has been like watching a replay of last year’s Super Bowl.  Everyone knows how it ends.  Democrats will get their way on the 18th, and then the entire ship load of bologna will, correctly, sink in the senate on a bipartisan vote.

The question for Democrats is:  Then what?

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Seems a Trump poll is mentioned about every 30 minutes. His RCP average of five polls is 46 percent. And congress? It is at 21 percent, not being above 30 percent in last 10 years. So most of the Demokrat candidates are from a useless, swampy,group of highly unpopular pols. Good luck with that. And impeachment? 2020 is the big year for Trump versus The Swamp. And Lex is right that the Demokrats are embracing socialism and communism. That 21 percent by the way will be falling.