Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's impeachment day; Here's how to celebrate

Short post this morning.  I have a maintenance issue here at the compound. A vendor is coming at the butt crack of dawn to address the problem. So I have to clear a path through the mine field, guide him around the tank traps peal back a bit of the triple stacked concertina wire so he can get in to do his work. 

So here e go.  Today is I-Day – the “I” is for impeachment. Demo-Dopes are determined to race their rocket powered roller skates right into a boulder.  Good for them.  

The move does make me angry though.  Like Stalin, the Dopes had their man on Nov 9th, 2016.  They’ve spent the last three years piling lies on top of lies in search of a crime to charge him with. It’s disgusting.

The line of Dopes who have become the face of the process are motley crew, Pencil Neck, Fat Jerry, Grand Nan, fart master Swalwell, low IQ Auntie Maxie et al are a nauseating bunch top to bottom, but work have worked against the Dopes every step of the way.

So today the same arguments that were hashed out in the most boring TV ever over the last several weeks will be rehashed over 6 hours of “debate” today. As AlGore said, “the debate is over.”  In this case it is.  The debate that gone on so far has failed to move the impeachment needle and, if anything, the Dopes have lost ground in the debate and exposed themselves as the pure azzbags that they are.

The big loser so far in all of this is Slow Joe Biden and his druggie azzbag SFB son, Hunter.  Slow Joe Biden is now quid pro quo Slow Joe.  He’s been exposed.  The Richard Cranium Dope primary voters may not want to talk about Slowest of all Joe’s corruption but PDJT will beat him like a 3 egg omelet if the Dopes are dumb enough to nominate the colossal azzbag.

So here’s my plan.  I’m going to celebrate the impeachment.  That’s right Mr. & Mrs. America celebrate.  Here’s how I’m going to celebrate.  I’m going here  to donate a “C” note to PDJT’s re-election campaign so that I can be part of what is sure to be a record breaking fund raising day for PDJT.

When I donated $100 in 2016,  Mrs. Lex asked, “Did you donate a 100 bucks to Trump?”  “Yes. Yes I did” I replied.  She says, “So we’re sending 100 of our hard earned Yankee dollars to a New York billionaire?” she asks.  “It sounds pretty stupid when you put like that, but yes, yes we are” and we are going to do it again – today.

PDJT is the only thing that stands between us them.  It may be the most important thing we can do at this point in history.  I also intend to celebrate by sending another hard hitting Lex rant to local fish wrap – via the snail mail.

PDJT laid out the truth in a 6 page letter to the Creeper of House house here.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I will join Lex and send $100 to help the president counter-punch this impeachment sucker-punch BS. The Demokrats ceased abiding by any rules because Trump won and is still winning. They have to pay a big price or impeachment will become a SOP for both parties.