Wednesday, December 11, 2019

I am a pathetic loser b*tch hear me whine

Fresh off their Peloton BS fake controversy, snowflake SFB whiners have broken down into another tantrum.  This time the “I am woman hear me whine like a pathetic helpless loser b*tch” crowd is zeroing in on Clint Eastwood’s latest movie “Richard Jewell.” 

The complaint this time is that Eastwood portrays a woman reporter not in the best light.  NEW FLASH to the patheticos – IT IS A F**KING MOVIE YOU IGNORANT TROUBLE MAKING DOUCHE BAGS!!!  

What’s next, boycott Superman because it makes Lois lane look helpless?  Boycott Casablanca because Rick forces Ilsa to stay with her dry ball husband Victor who she does not love?   

The I am woman hear me bitch loudly and endlessly about sh*t that makes no difference to anyone, but who I will savage if they do not toe my line has their shorts twisted because Eastwood portrays a female reporter as sort of a slut who sleeps with sources, ruins Jewell’s life based fake news etc.

To these strong, strong, strong, overly strong, stronger than any man ever was strong, stronger than the Rock of Gibraltar strong, by your action you prove you are weak sniveling pathetic loser b*tches.  

Go take in the Christmas classic, no not Miracle on 42nd St., no not any of the dozen or so versions of Dicken’s classic A Christmas Carol, no not White Christmas, the one true Christmas classic - Die Hard – it isn’t the Christmas season until Hans Gruber falls from the Nakatomi Tower. Check out the reporter in that critically acclaimed film.  It’s a white man. I do not recall white guys demanding the flick be boycotted because the reporter is some insensitive worthless white guy azzbag. 

My take on this is not that the Die Hard reporter is an azzbag because he’s a guy or that the Richard Jewell reporter is an azzbag because she’s a girl.  No, my take is that the guy and the girl in these MOVIES are both azzbags because they are reporters.     

I don’t regularly go to movies, because I don’t like to put money into the pockets of an industry that openly despises me, but I’ll make an exception for Richard Jewell.  

No.  Make that, hell no, I’m not buying a Peloton.  It’s 2 F-King K!! There is a limit to how much I’m willing to spend to make a political point.  It’s about the cost of matinee movie ticket.

Today's JG rant: Who you gonna believe?

Re:  John M. Watson’s letter “Nation in steep decline with Trump in power” of Dec 11, 2019.

The great Marx Brother’s line, “Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes” comes to mind when assessing the malarkey (I guess that word is back in vogue) contained in Watson’s letter. 

First, it’s just awesome that there is at least one liberal out there who is finally concerned about government deficit spending. My guess is that Watson didn’t give a flip about the deficit when Obama was doubling it. 

At least we have something to show for the expenditure this time around – a rebuilt military, a border wall (yeah it’s being built), a roaring economy etc. - as opposed to “shovel ready” jobs under Obama that simply transferred government money to approved union entities, but never improved one thing for the American people.

It’s also good to know that the bump in cash I received as a result of the Trump tax cuts makes me one of the “richest Americans.”  Who knew?  I’ll need to get that into this year’s Christmas letter.  To be honest, I thought that the “richest Americans” had a lot more money.

Here’s a funny thing you might not know if you’re publicly educated and a slave to liberal orthodoxy, Turkey is our NATO ally the Kurds are not.  Very weird, huh.  Who knew? 

PDJT has been asking Chuck and Nancy to get on board for an infrastructure, prescription drug bills - which mysteriously, because they deal with expenditures, must originate in the House of Representative, imagine that – but neither has any interest in giving PDJT (AKA the American people) a win on anything.

Sure, sure, sure PDJT cannot take any credit for the economic boom we enjoy today.  So name one Obama/Biden economic policy that remains in place today that explains the boom. I’ll save you the trouble.  There are none.

If the tariffs on China are responsible for today’s economy, PDJT should double them ASAP.

So who you gonna believe, the sad sac whiners whose hatred of PDJT trumps their love of country or the booming economy, your checkbook, the new address of the U.S. embassy in Isreal, the new map of the ISIS caliphate, etc.?      

Nation in steep decline with Trump in power
In David L. Nichols' Nov. 17 letter, “Trump-hating writers won't give him credit,” the author states “....he's (Trump) obnoxious and a disrupter, but he gets things done.” What has Trump gotten done?
He has exploded the deficit with his $1.5 trillion tax “cut” that gave a huge windfall to the richest Americans and to companies that pay little or no taxes; he has stacked the federal judicial system with conservative judges; he has caused families to be separated at the border and locked up like animals in inhumane conditions; he has abandoned our allies while making us the laughingstock on the international stage.
Has he done any of the things he promised? Has he started to rebuild our  infrastructure? No. Has he brought down the costs of prescription drugs or health care? No. Has he even started building his wall? No. And don't forget Mexico will never pay for it.
We may be enjoying the prosperous economy the author cites, but Trump is hardly responsible for it. He has done his best to wreck the economy by imposing ridiculous and unnecessary tariffs, while he spends billions paying farmers who have lost their markets abroad because of the tariffs he put in place.
The writer tells us to “stop believing all the garbage you hear on those two liberal cable networks.” That is an indication that he listens to networks that praise Trump, call him the “chosen one” and gloss over the many lies Trump tells while implying they're reporting what is really going on in the administration.
I don't believe this country and its citizens are better off because of what the Trump administration is doing to our established norms by tearing apart the rule of law. We all need to educate ourselves on what is really happening to our democracy and decide what we are going to do about it. I don't believe we can survive five more years of Trump.
John M. Watson
Fort Wayne

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