Friday, December 06, 2019

Shrillda the Hutt couldn't beat an impeachable candidate

NOTE:  One thing I noticed about the hearings was the setting.  The pompous arrogant high lords of douche baggery - aka our representatives - sit in chairs looking down on the American citizens they have brought/ordered in to testify.  That’s bad optics that someone needs to point out.  “You criminals work for me.  Why are you up there looking down on me?  It should be the other way around.”

NOTE II:  As I watched the outtakes of questioning of the Demo-Dopes haughty, arrogant, scumbag non-witness witness-list, the one question I’d ask every one of them is this:  “How many votes did you get in the 2016 presidential election?”  The answer is, of course, zero.  So the follow up is: “What gives you the balls to come in here and advocate for the over-throw of a president who received 63 MILLION VOTES from the American people and achieved an ELECTORAL COLLEGE LANDSLIDE?”  The simple way of asking the question: “Who in the F**K do you think you are you insignificant p*ss ant?” Of course this flies in the face of the Note just above, but I am not a high lord of douche baggery so it’s okay.

Given the quality of the non-witness witnesses the Demo-Dopes have produced so far to “prove” that PDJT must be impeached 10 months before the next election, only a partisan idiot could make the case that the effort is NOT wholly political in nature.  Enter Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser. 

With love in her heart, (cough) bullsh*t, says the baby murdering “Catholic,” she’s insists that the Dopes drive their impeachment clown car off a cliff – for the good of the country, (cough) bullsh*t.

Name one likable character for the Dopes in this mess?  Vindman?  Bowtie boy?  Karlan?  Peloser?  Schi(t)ff?  Nadler? The man with the most punchable face in America - Johnny the wad - Holms?  All the Dope’s witnesses and the Dope “managers” are as unlikeable as the Dean Wormer character in Animal House.  They all have had PDJT on “double (not so) secret” impeachment since before his inauguration.  Obsessive compulsive anger and raging hate is never a good look, but the Demo-Dopes have been majoring in it since 9pm Nov 8, 2016.

The biggest loser in all of this is Shrillda the Hutt.  Right now the first line of her obituary will read, “Tired, corrupt, lazy and arrogant she lost the 2016 Presidential Election in an Electoral College landslide to a political novice, PDJT, who she outspent 3-1…”  After the Dopes impeachment, the first line will read, “Tired, corrupt, lazy and arrogant she lost the 2016 Presidential Election in an Electoral College landslide to political novice, PDJT, who was later impeached along partisan lines but went on to win re-election in another landslide in 2020…”

She couldn’t beat an impeachable/impeached candidate.

Slowest of all Joes lays down the push-up/IQ challenge

Answer to the IQ challenge is simple:  If you're so smart why did you have to plagiarizer your way through U of D law school and your first run for President?  

Push ups?  Back in the day - a little over a year ago - even I could lay waste to the POS.  One day someone is going to take up his challenge and watch him shrink away like one of those "pocket hoses" when the pressure is cut off.

After challenging the guy to an IQ/push up contest The Slow One then said something along the lines of - whatever you want.  I hope I see this BS artist and he leaves that line open to me: "Pistols at 20 paces, you worthless bag of sh*t." 

Here's the bad news for Slow Joe.  As everyone who was ever in a locker room once the boys know what gets under you skin, they are relentless.  PDJT should have some one capable of doing 100 push ups at every Slow Joe event to heckle the Slow One about his no-talent doper son.

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