Friday, December 20, 2019

Some Friday stuff

Friday HooRay!!  The Dopes have backed themselves into box.  Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser thought she could make Mitch McConnell cower to her whims with regard to a Senate trial for PDJT after the House’s BS impeachment.  Mitch laughed in her old, old, old, ugly, overly botoxed, fake eyebrows put on with mason’s trowel, teeth falling out of her foul sewer slit face.  You ain’t gonna send them goofy impeachment articles over to the senate unless I allow you and Chuckles the weeping clown Scummmer write the rules? YGBSM.  Keep ‘em you old hag.  I didn’t want to deal with them anyway.  Shove ‘em up your old wrinkled azz for all I care.”

Oops. Now what?  One Dope lawyer says PDJT hasn’t even been formally impeached until the articles are sent to the Senate – so there’s that.  Expect PDJT to taunt the botoxed one with that news.  “Impeached?  I haven’t been impeached.  Ask your own lawyer.”

For his part, PDJT is reveling in the impeachment.  “It doesn’t feel like impeachment.  The country is doing better than ever.  Stocks are at record highs…again.  Unemployment is record lows.  I guess the Demo-Dopes cannot take too much peace and prosperity so they impeached me for Making America Great Again.”   

Now what does the nation’s biggest turd merchant do?  Idunno.  More importantly, neither does she. No doubt whatever the brain-dead BS artist comes up with she will declare victory and announce that she is a “master legislator.” 

The “master legislator” is taking credit for passing the USMCA.  It sat on the “master legislator’s” desk for a year until the old bag needed a distraction, some top cover, for her failed impeachment gambit.  When the old witch tries to take credit for the USMCA, Republicans should reprise her old line – “She so dumb…”  “How dumb is she?”  “She’s so dumb she had to pass the USMCA to find out what’s in it.” 

Meanwhile the IG report is becoming more and more clear as IG Horowitz was forced to admit that he could not rule out bias as the basis for the bogus FISA warrants.  Well no sh*t Mr. IG.  George the wonder dog looked at me just the other day when some Dope was saying as loud as he could, “THE IG DIDN’T FIND ANY BIAS” and lamented, “How dumb do they think we are?  I need to go out by the way.”

So the IG is kicking Dope talking points to the curb and Durham’s report is getting white hot for crooks like Johnny the red Brennan, Jimmy the shape shifter Comey and Jimmy the fib Clapper.  It sounds like a crime ob because it is a crime mob.  Everyone who touched those FISA warrants has some serious ‘splainin to do. They all need to 5-10 years hard time.

Speaking of that, the holidays are upon us.  It’s perfect time for PDJT to start issuing pardons.  Flynn would be top of list.  Followed by Papadopolis, Manafort, Stone et al. In addition to correcting the heavy hand of the Mueller BS investigation, it would drive the MSM and the left crazy.  The ONLY thing that would send them close to the edge is if Ruth Bader Ginsberg decided that she’d had enough and announced that she’d live out the of 35 years on a beach in Aruba. 

There was a dDope debate last night.  Who knew?  The sound bite making the runds is Mr. Blue Collar himself saying, “Yes. Hell yes the working class can go to hell.  The Green New Deal is more important than anyone’s or even everyone’s jobs.”  That’ll go well.

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