Friday, March 31, 2006

Mexican flag symbol of corruption

A Texas school principal was ordered to remove the Mexican flag he’d put up to honor his “predominantly Hispanic” student body. One can only presume that they are predominantly American as well, but who knows. In Florida, someone removed the American flag at the Chasewood North condominium community replacing it with a Mexican flag and removed the rope so the new flag of America’s Southwest could not be removed. It’s going to cost the residence of the community an estimated $500 to reclaim Chasewood for America.

I don’t get it. You have entered the richest most powerful most generous country in the history in the world, legally or illegally, yet you show your allegiance to a corrupt third rate third world government incapable of providing a majority of its citizens anything but poverty. It’s like Jews who escaped persecution in the old Soviet Union rallying for reform in Israel carrying Soviet flags. It’s beyond idiocy.

It makes no sense. You’d think coming to this country would expose the dust bag called Mexico for what it is. Corrupt, failed, corrupt, poor, corrupt and most of all corrupt. Mexico is a country rich in its own natural resources and, if we are to believe the protesters, a hard working people. So why has Mexico failed so miserably to provide jobs to its people? Have I mentioned corruption in the Mexican government dating back to Napoleon?

Well if I had escaped the corruption of the Mexican government, I wouldn’t be caught dead toting around the symbol of the failed corrupt government I’d escaped. I’d make every effort to blend into the country that allows me to support my family.

And don’t get me wrong. I’m NOT referring to Hispanic culture. I’m referring specifically to the use of the Mexican flag as a rallying symbol for those advocating an open border. Seems to me, Mexicans would be much better off using an American flag in Mexico City to rally for government reform there than a Mexican flag in L.A. to call for reform here.

Perhaps these misguided souls are of the mind that all they have to do is reclaim the American Southwest for Mexico and all of Mexico’s problems will end. Three years after ceding the American west to Mexico, and the Mexican government raping it, we’d be talking about building a fence along the Mississippi river. Libs would be saying, but they are hard working people just trying to escape the poverty and deplorable conditions in California, Arizona and Texas.

It’s not Hispanic people here in America legally or illegally that I find so deplorable. It’s their use of and allegiance to a symbol of a failed government of systematic corruption that has me shaking my head in wonderment.

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