Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Build the model, read the directions, open the box - no wait

FIRE! Aim, ready. That is the B-HO approach to the war in Iraq. I’ll make a speech outlining my position. I will study the issue. Then I will visit the theater and talk to the commanders. That is exactly backwards. But what we can we expect from this buffoon? So as a high priced Harvard educated lawyer, B-HO would announce the client’s guilt or innocence, prepare his defense and then meet with the client and discover the facts of the case. Right?

Now we know why B-HO passed up the six figure jobs to become a “community organizer.” With a six figure job comes six figure responsibilities and expectations. The guys paying you the six figures might actually expect that you accomplish something worth the money they are paying you. It’s obvious that B-HO isn’t quite ready to run with clear thinking people who expect big things and pay big money.

Better to be a community organizer in the hood. Play some jams, shoot some hoops, eat some Bar-B-Q, do a little protesting – how hard can it be? Community organizing requires that you make sure that there fresh batteries in the bullhorn and show up before noon at city hall to protest the latest use of the word “niggardly” or term “black hole” by a public official. Oh yeah, you have to make sure that there’s no angle food or devil’s food cake on the snack table when you get back to the community organizing hall after a full two hour day of protesting.

If this latest - speech outlining my position on Iraq, study the issue, visit the theater and talk to the commanders thing - will not convince you that B-HO is an unqualified dolt of the highest order you have to have your head buried in the sand or planted deeply in a bodily orifice.

This is not as easily explained away as sitting in church listening to your preacher “God damn America” for 20 years and then saying – “He said what? Well that’s not the man I thought I knew.” Oh wait, for B-HO, the chosen one, maybe it is.

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