Monday, July 21, 2008

Three issues to victory in November

Were Reps smart enough to recognize it, it looks like a good year for Conservatives. Here’s three reasons:

First, win the war in Iraq. Notice that’s not, we’ll stay for a hundred years. That’s not we’re making progress. That’s not the old BS - there’s no military solution to Iraq. There is a military solution – kill AQI.

60% of Americans are not as much opposed to the war in Iraq as they are of the half measures to win the war that preceded the surge. Americans want to fight to win. We’re nearly there. McCain and other Reps should step up and say:

I will win the war in Iraq. However, the war on terror will continue like some sick whack-a-mole game from hell. Wherever terrorists raise their ugly heads we’ll whack ‘em. Iraq is but one front on a global war on terror. In spite of the complaints and objections of my opponent and his party, Iraq is now on the right course. I will finish the job of winning. My opponent will quit when it’s first and goal on the one inch line. He has just finished a trip to Iraq. That trip would not have been possible had B-HO followed his own advice and judgment on the war there. Yet he still has that idiotic banner with the words “Judgment to lead.” Today, in spite of the Democrats’ hopes for America’s defeat, President Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” banner is more correct and closer to the truth than B-HO’s “Judgment to lead" banner.

Of course there’d have to be a few “my friends” in there somewhere.

Next, close the border and adopt an English as the official language position. This is an 80% issue for any politician smart enough to adopt it. Of course every left wing loon in the country will be calling them racist Hispaniphobes. The nutroots will be funding the opponent of anyone courageous enough to take such a stand with huge cash contributions. But any candidate who advocates a secure border and English as the official language will win if they stick to their guns (can you say that?). The split on this issue is huge.

Last, drill here. Drill now. Drill everywhere there is oil and gas. This is a 70% issue in favor of more drilling. When Dems say, it’ll be ten years before we see any results, Reps should say THAT”S WHAT YOU SAID TEN YEARS AGO AND LOOK WHERE ARE NOW!!!

When Dems say we need to get off of oil, Reps should agree but throw the ten year argument right back in their face. Oil is proven commodity. Solar and wind are not. Until solar and wind technologies are perfected oil will be king. Even when solar and wind are perfected we will still need an oil back up because it gets dark at night and the wind doesn’t blow 24/7.

Anyone who thinks that – even with a 100 fold improvement in solar and wind technology – we are not going to require more oil over the next 20-30 years, is probably not smart enough to hold public office. But then it seems one of the things Americans value most in an elected official is that they’re not so bright – I give you the two Chucks - Schumer and Hagle – as proof positive.

Well there it is a roadmap to a Conservative victory. Let’s sit back and watch the landslide returns roll in on Nov 4. Instead of taking the issues head on, Reps will try to split the baby and say we’re only half as goofy as the Dems – vote for us. If they do, it’ll be another sad night for Reps in Nov.

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