Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I'll take the bet

I read a headline on Yahoo – gives a crap – on the 4th of July that said “Poll: Americans 53% to 39% think best days behind them.” I didn’t open the story. I knew the poll was skewed by the wishful thinking of Libs and the uniformed opinions of young people.

I’ll take the bet. Everyone who has bet against America since 1776 has lost.

I’m sure a lot of people thought America’s best days were behind her
when the British burned the Capitol during the war of 1812;
when the Civil War raged on and on;
when Indian wars raged in the west;
when Chicago burned;
when Galveston was wiped out by hurricane;
when San Fran shook and burned to the ground;
when WWI took its toll;
when the depression hit;
when the start of WWII saw us on our butts;
when the Korean War raged back and forth;
when the Vietnam War split the country;
when Jimmy Carter declared that the county was mired in “a great malaise;”
when the twin towers came crashing down on 9-11.

All of those seemingly tragic events led to a greater America. Today our lame stream media and most Dems hate our own president more than our very real enemies. For that they think America is in decline.

The people who think America’s best days are behind her are the same people who “God damn America” in the first place. If truth were told, those people probably do not think that America ever had any “best days.” They probably are of the opinion that America has been nothing but a blight on the world. They probably bombed American institutions in their youth. They probably grew up with every advantage and some they didn’t deserve. They earn 300K a year in the land of opportunity, yet they can’t find a single thing to be proud of about America. They are pompous Volvo driving, arugula eating, wind bags who think the rest of us are unemployable dolts clinging to a Bible in one hand and gun in the other.

Curiously, the people who think America’s best days are behind her are the same ones running the congress. You’d think that since they are the ones with power to change things – supposedly for the better – they’d be a bit more optimistic. You’d be wrong.

Dems, are led in the Senate by the ever dower Scrawny Harry Reid. Before the surge even began, Scrawny declared the Iraq war lost. Today we are on the cusp of victory. Scrawny bet against America and lost. Now the flim-flam man claims fossil fuels make him sick. But they don’t make him sick enough to stop using them. He bitches about high fuel costs but stands in opposition to every single measure that would lower them. So yeah, the Scrawny one probably believes America’s best days are behind her, he roots against us in a war and thwarts our energy independence. Hard to believe a guy like that could ever have a positive thing to say about America.

In the House Dems have the Queen of Botox herself, Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi’s first act as Speaker of the House was to cover herself with a scarf and go kiss the ass of Middle East madman and thug Bashir al-Assad. She is critical of everything but offers no policies of her own to set America on the “right” path. She promised an energy policy to easy the pain at the gas pump during the 06 election but has sat idly while gas prices have rose to more than $4 a gallon. The Queen of Botox would rather have $4 a gallon gas a political issue than a plan to lower the cost of fuel and get America to energy independence. So yeah while she stand opposed to any progress, why would she believe America’s best day lay ahead?

Now Dems have nominated an elite arrogant socialist dope for president. B-HO is so arrogant he thinks his 143 days in the senate trump McCain's 23 years of public service in the congress and 22 years in the Navy. B-HO has to keep reminding us he’s a real patriot, which means he ain’t. He has to hope we forget about his “God Damn America” pastor of 20 years, his bomb throwing political mentor and his affirmative action queen wife who can’t find a thing about America to be proud of.

So yeah, if this is the class of people betting against America, I’d love to take their money.

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