Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can B-HO carry the Robert Byrd wing of the Democrat Party?

Jesse Helms was laid to rest yesterday after dying on the 4th of July. Helms was a staunch anti-communist who had little regard for the United Nation. So, of course, Libs hated him.

Helms became better known as a racist – I say “better known” because as a Conservative we all know he had to have been a racist from the start - when he used an ad showing a white man’s hands crumpling up a job application with the tag line, “You should have had that job. But they had to give it to a minority.”

To me, it sounds more like an ad against affirmative action than race. If you went into the hood and asked the average black teenager if he thought it would be right if whites had to be represented proportionally on NBA teams, once you sorted through the 15-20 expletives, the answer would be, no.

Helms’ ad touched on an issue everyone understands. America is about equal opportunity not equal outcomes. Americans understand this. When the government gets involved to “level the playing field” it ends up looking like the little league coach who plays his own fat slow kid with Coke bottle glasses at shortstop and bats him in the cleanup position. Sure the fat slow kid would never get these opportunities were not for the interference of his dad, but then, based on talent, he shouldn’t have the opportunity anyway.

So Libs blast Helms’ anti-affirmative action ad while elevating a former Grand Kleagle of Ku Klux Klan to a position of party and senate leadership. Don’t try to square the two positions if you have a brain. It only works for Libs.

Which brings us to B-HO. See I think it’s the Libs who are the racists. They are the ones always pointing to the color of ones skin or their sex or religion. So now B-HO has to wonder if he can carry the Robert Byrd wing of the Democrat party. The answer scares Democrats – probably not.

R.I.P Senator Helms. Your critics, for the most part, were hypocrites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget about it. West-By-God might vote for B-HO if Jerry Fallwell, John Birch, or Jessie Helms was his running mate. As they are now all dead.....forget about it. West-By-God is full of bitter people that cling to their guns and relegion.

The Griffin.