Thursday, January 08, 2009

About, FACE!

In several posts below, Lex notes how a lib’s natural state is to be PO’d about something. Well many Libs are beginning to have buyer’s remorse with P-E Obama. And why not? Obama and the Dems have done more about faces since the election than a platoon of new Marine recruits learning to march at Paris Island.

First the obvious. Senator hope-n-change promised…well hope-n-change during the campaign. So now he’s been elected and what do we get? We get Clinton retreads – including the beast herself – and Bush holdovers in all of the key cabinet and administration positions. That’s change we can believe in? I don’t think so. That’s slapping a fresh coat of paint on the old jalopy on cinder blocks in the front yard and then putting yourself in for the neighborhood beautification award.

No wonder Libs are in a constant state of POedness.

Then there’s G’itmo. Close it! Immediately! That was the campaign cry. Now it’s, well not so fast. We really don’t want to being the trash in that dump site into the US general prison population. And we sure don’t want every creepy trial lawyer (a set of the whole by the way) in the country trying to make a name for himself getting the creeps (G’itmo detainees not the trial lawyers) off scott free. We need to find some third party willing to take the human debris being stored there. Hmm, isn’t that rendition?

How about END THE WAR NOW!!!! Well like, “let’s get the Christmas decorations up today,” it’s easier to say than do. First this issue is like countermarching the platoon by squads. First squad to the rear march: Harry Reid, the war is lost – ooops. Second squad to the rear march: General Betrayus – oops. Third squad to the rear march: then Senator Obama’s assessment that 20, 30 or even 50 thousand new troops won’t make a difference in Iraq - double ooops.

So we’ve got the platoon marching to the rear in staggered formation during the campaign. Now, it’s first squad to the rear march: P-E Obama says the surge worked better than anyone (meaning himself) thought. Second squad to the rear march: Scrawny Harry says Gen Petraeus will go down in the history books as an American hero. Third Squad to the rear march: P-E Obama says that troop reduction will be in accordance with the situation on the ground and the best military advice – hmmm wasn’t that was McCain’s campaign position. Well now you have the platoon marching in the same direction as it was when the exercise started and in the exact same location. Weird huh.

Two days ago, Harry the war is lost Reid and his chief @ss kisser, R.C. Turdbin were saying Roland Burris would not be seated in the US Senate. Yesterday under pressure from this website and its three regular readers, the two carnival clowns reversed position and tried to make it sound as if they’d never said what they said.

Of course the MSM is providing cover for all of the Dem countermarching with an explanation that things were much more fouled up than P-E Obama and his crack staff of crack ups ever knew. So no wonder Libs are crying like a Buckeye fan after the Fiesta Bowl. But they don’t blame Dems for the Dem’s own countermarching. Like a heroin addict, they need their fix, and they reflexively blame Bush. Hey old dope habits are hard to break. I can just see a 98 year old Lib on his death bed after being run over by a drunk driver operating a snow plow, “Damned Bush! If we only had universal health care I could have lived a full life.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To prep me for the new administration I watched "One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest". The MSM and dem laden congress have already recieved their labotomies in preparation of the comformation hearings. The dem leaders will serve platitude after sickening platitude. They will not hold Barak's nominees accountable for anything said in the election. There will be many more about faces. Hey Hillary..."You said Sen. Obama did not have the experience to be the president. What changed?" I am sure that will be asked. Already you can't seem to find anyone that can make a decision and stick to it and he has not even taken office.
