Friday, January 09, 2009

I hope Obama is a colossal failure

Is anyone else getting sick of hearing conservatives saying, “Well, I hope our new president succeeds?” I have no interest in dumping on P-E Obama the way the loony left dumped on President Bush from day one of his administration but as far as wishing him success, hell no. I hope he is a complete and utter failure.

In any effort to expand the culture of death through abortion, infanticide and “mercy” killing, I hope Obama is stopped cold in his tracks.

In any effort to turn the Second Amendment into some sort of hunter’s rights amendment I hope “the people” rise up and say not so fast. The Second Amendment has as much to with hunting as the first has to do with separation of church and state – nothing.

In any effort to march this country further down the road of socialism through “universal healthcare”, universal mortgage payment, universal college tuition, or universal anything, I hope he fails so badly that the Dems lose control of both houses and half his cabinet resigns.

If he thinks squandering a hard won victory in Iraq to make loony leftist happy is good policy, I hope he fails miserably.

If he thinks the government printing a trillion dollars and using that money to pick winners and losers is a good plan, I hope the plan gets bogged down in committee for years.

If, as he said yesterday, he thinks the government is only entity that can save America in this “financial crisis,” I hope he fails so badly he goes down in history as worse than Jimmy Carter in domestic policy. I’d point to congress, AMTRAC, Freddie and Fanny, the US Post Office, the Border Patrol, the IRS, the State Dep, Dep of Education, Social Security, and a hundred other failed government policies, departments and institutions and ask why – outside the military – he thinks government involvement in anything will helped.

If he thinks gays serving in the military is a great idea and worth upsetting the delicate balance of military readiness and esprit, I hope top military men resign in droves.

If he thinks the “fairness doctrine” makes sense, I hope the White House gets flooded with so many letters and e-mails that hiring a staff to handle them all will constitute the biggest government hiring program since Army enlistments at the start of WWII.

So, on these and other issues too many to note, I wish him NO success whatever. I hope he fails miserably and is run out of D.C. in 2012 in landslide of common sense and appreciation of the constitution and free markets.

Yes, I hope he fails colossally. So colossally in fact that he and his kind are run out of government for the next 1,000 years. But of course I hope he governs with the sense of Reagan, which would make this post, like so many others, irrelevant.

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