Friday, January 23, 2009

Cancer, taxes and the sub-human Whitey man

Fire, aim, ready

As supreme allied commander of my humble abode, I have signed an executive order stating that this household will find a cure for cancer within a year. When asked how, I simply said, "that will be the subject of another executive order later."

Absurd? Well how much different is it than what our Dear Leader did yesterday? He said he’d close G’itmo in a year and the left went wild with joy. When asked what he was going to do with the human waste stored there he said, “I dunno. We’ll figure it out later.”

Wouldn’t it be better to get it all figured out, then announce the closing immediately? No. It’s much more important to get credit for the good deeds you intend to do rather the ones you might actually accomplish.

Like paying your taxes, the devil is in the detail. Now if you're Tim Geithner, this would be easy.

This was all a dog and pony show for the media and the worldwide left.

A crook at Treasury

It looks as if Tim I forgot Geithner is a shoe in at Treasury. Write you senators and tell them it’s important that the guy running the IRS not be a tax cheat himself.

If the IRS ever called me in for an audit and found that I owed money, I’ demand a trial and subpoena famous tax cheats Geithner and Rangel.

First question, "Now Mr. Geithner you are at the same time a famous tax cheat and head of the IRS, right?"

When white does what’s right – Whitey man need not apply

But what really has my shorts in a wad this A.M. is this bit moronory from former Labor Sec. Bobby no money for whites Reich. What a complete @sswipe.

Sure whitey man can pay the bill for the stimulus, but don’t expect to get any of it – even if your company is the most qualified. Can you say - open and blatant discrimination - redistribution of wealth - and reparations?

Did you notice how quickly the investigation into the disrepair of the Walter Read Army Hospital faded into the back of the paper and then out of the news altogether when it was discovered that minority contractors were responsible for many of the problems?

Do you remember what happened when congress decided it’d be a good idea to give minorities with no collateral money to buy a house – Fannie and Freddie?

Look this is simple. Contracts should go to the most qualified – particularly when you’re talking about infrastructure projects comprising a great deal of the reparations…uh…er…stimulus money. We don’t need on the job training for bridge builders.

Were I whitey man, I’d put my company in my wife’s name and legally have her name changed to Consuelo Rodriguez explaining that she is bisexual and in that offensive “race” block I’d mark “other” and explain that Consuelo is a black Arab Asian of Hispanic origin who practices the multi-culti religion of AthyMusloChrist-O-HindiJew and Obama worship.

The way things are going so far, the biggest public works project is going to be hauling all of the BS out of D.C.

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