Thursday, January 29, 2009

Odd things Thursday

Bipartisan opposition

All of the Republicans and 11 Democrats voted AGAINST the reparations…uh…stimulus package. Does that mean that there is bipartisan opposition to the bill? You know that if even one Republican had voted for this abomination, the Dear Leader and his MSM lemmings would be hailing it as a triumph of bipartisan cooperation over petty politics – even if the Republican that voted in favor said he made a mistake and pushed the wrong button (something the Dear Leader did at least twice during his brief stay in the IL senate by the way).

Infrastructure spending

Am I nuts (yes) or should this have already been figured into our tax bill? So there’s a bridge on the federal highway known as I 70 that runs through some state, lies within some county in that state, within some township, maybe within some municipality and all of the above are collecting gas and other taxes under the guise of “maintaining” roads and bridges. But wait! Now we learn infrastructure all over America is crumbling. The perfect example of this phenomenon is the levies in New Orleans. Tons of money was allocated to shore the levies up. Yet when the storm came, the levies failed. How the hell? Shouldn’t someone be fired or put in jail?

No. This is how things work. The government taxes gas to keep the roads repaired but actually uses the money to provide housing, food, substance abuse counseling, methadone, alcohol abuse counseling, child care, child abuse counseling, sex classes, sexual abuse counseling, art classes and a grant for an art exhibit at the local library of popsicle sticks glued together in the form of a giant dildo (which eerily resembles R.C. Turdbin’s head) constructed during a drug induced haze by a strung out uneducated unwed mother of 4 by 4 different fathers.

So if “the government” can’t use tax money allocated over the last 30 years to maintain the roads, why would we think that they’ll suddenly grow a brain and use the reparations…uh…stimulus money to repair the roads? That is particularly troublesome when skilled white men won’t be allowed to work on the projects. Yes unskilled minos repairing bridges are the key to stimulating the economy. Open an auto repair shop now in your black wife’s Hispanic surname. This is the perfect storm for all things auto repair, body work and auto wrecking.


You gotta love this guy. Sure he’s crooked as the 17th hole at Cypress Point, but so is everyone running him out of office. The IL senate might as well announce, “Let the wheels of justice spin. Bring the guilty bastard in.” Why pretend that they are doing anything other than railroading Blago before he has an opportunity to taint the Dear Leader and any of his minions?

Dennis Miller made an excellent observation when he asked, “How does this creepy foul mouthed guy get better treatment from the MSM than John McCain who spent six years as a POW?”

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