Monday, January 26, 2009

Polo and Reparations

Polo roughians

When I saw this odd bit of news about Serb and Croat fans rioting at the Australian Open tennis matches Friday, my first thought was, “Oh my God Buffy, tennis riots? What’s next Polo hooligans disrupting the final couple of chukkers at The Courage Cup?”

Then I was reminded how President Clinton told us we’d only be in Bosnia for one year. That was way back in 1995. It's 2009 and we’re still there. If my public school math is correct, that’s just over one year.

This is good news. When Democrats say something is going to take a year, they really mean it will last indefinitely. That means when the Dear Leader say we’ll close G’itmo in a year it really means it’ll stay open forever. Another good thing is when a Dem says something that doesn’t turn out to be true like, Saddam is developing WMD, we’ll be out of Bosnia in a year, the big dig will only take 3 years, we’re in a post racial period or we’re only going to tax the rich the lame brained MSM just go right along with it, without so much as an oops.

800 Billion dollar Reparations…um…stimulus bill

Republican elected officials are all filled with hope-n-change. Instead of an opposition party, Reps are acting like the “we think the Dear Leader is slightly less god-like than the Dems think” party. Reps are afraid of opposing the Dear Leader for any number of reasons chief among them is being called a racist. That fact plus the fact that the Dems have overwhelming majorities in both houses probably means the Rangel/Reich reparations package is likely to become law.

Republicans should oppose this idiocy on several accounts. First, it won’t work. All you’d have to do is point to the $700 billion dollar bank bailout. It hasn’t worked as intended. Dems say the money will go toward “shovel ready” infrastructure projects. HA!! There’s no such thing. Governments can’t turn a spade of dirt without 10 years of environmental impact studies and statements of how the project will affect the off, off, off white-winged, cloven toed, black beaked, silver bellied sparrow whose population has actually soared since the demise of Morgan the cat at the hands (or should that be paws) of Stanley the dog. All of the environmental idiocy is visited upon us by left-wing loons. You know the guys who insist that the polar bears are going extinct in spite of the fact that their numbers have increased 5 fold in the last 30 years.

Next, it’ll be fraught with fraud. Not only aren’t the banks lending the bailout money to the ordinary Joe’s who are footing the bill, they are looting the funds to do 100 million dollar makeovers of their corporate bathrooms. Even if it works, which it won’t, there will still be billions of dollars of fraud that the Republicans can point to and indicate the bill was a bad idea.

Note: Rare weekend blogging below. Don't miss it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of Bill Clinton who in 1996 said we should not look at drilling new oil wells because they would take 10 years to become productive while we would be in Bosnia no longer than one year. He got both backwards. Griff