Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Colin and Meghan in 2012!

Colin Powell, a Dear Leader Republican – does that make any sense? Can it make sense? Anyhoo, Powell has let it be known that Americans prefer more gubiment these days not less and that’s why the Republican Party is in the crapper. Powell’s advice to the Republican Party is very Meghan McCain like – act more like Demo-Dopes.

Could we possibly be seeing the signs of a Powell McCain ticket in 2012? Well one thing is for sure, if we did, there would be no need for debates. The Dear Leader would call for government control of everything from guns to toothpicks and Powell would simply agree. Slow Joe still the dumbest man in government Biden would call Republicans racist hate mongering war mongering Neanderthals and Meghan would say, “Don’t forget homophobes.”

The last thing this country needs right now, when Demo-Dopes control the White House, Senate and House and with the MSM acting like Demo-Dope lap dogs is for the opposition party to become MORE like the party in power. Who will speak for the 46% of Americans who voted AGAINST the Dear Leader? 46% is not an insignificant number.

You expect this kind of idiocy from people like Meghan McCain who say dopey things because they are interested in getting a date and being booked on The View and other idiot shows. The best way – ask her old man – for a “Republican” to get booked on these loser shows is for that Republican to trash his own party. But what is Powell’s excuse?

Powell is supposedly a well schooled and read military man. He should know that the TWO party system has worked for America for over 200 years. Now, the general is essentially advocating one party rule. Demo-Dopes and Repubi-Rats are already too similar for my taste. We don’t need more “me too echoes” from the Republi-Rats. We need a clear articulate opposition voice.

That voice for many is Rush Limbaugh. So what does the general do? Encourage competing ideas? No. Debate Limbaugh? No. He just tells us Limbaugh is too divisive. Well that cannot possibly be true or Powell and other Demo-Dopes would just leave him alone to hang himself with his own rope. They know he’s a threat. So, they attack him - him not the ideas of freedom, liberty and capitalism that he spends three hours a day talking about.

Last, and most important, the idea of a party is not to win elections but rather stand for ideas and governing principles. You should not be modifying your principles to win elections. To do that would make you Arlen Demo-Dope no Republi-Rat no Demo-Dope Specter. Governments and political parties should not be driven by the whims of public polling. We are NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional representative republic. The score or so founders, who had more integrity and intelligence in their little toes than the current 536 people running America have in their entire bodies, set this thing up so that governments and parties wouldn’t have to bend to transient fads.

It doesn’t make a Demo-Dope’s or Reupubli-Rat’s a$$ what the people want. If the people want more gubiment and the gubiment they want runs contrary to the constitution: so sad, too damn bad, the people can’t have it without changing the constitution. Meghan McCain doesn’t have a clue about these things but the general should.

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