Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Left and Right agree America is in danger

First, the important stuff

Phew, that was close. Thank goodness Miss CA will be able to keep her crown. I thought her speech – well at least the part that made the news loop every 15 seconds - was very good. And The Donald surprised me by getting it right as well.

He is one of the few well known people with access to a microphone to tell the Miss CA haters that Carrie’s views on gay marriage are the same as the Dear Leader’s. No comment from the Dear Leader or his mouth organ - Bobby Gibbs - on that subject yet. Will the daring MSM dare bring it up?

But hey credit where credit is due - way to go Trumpy! You’re doing a heck of a job.

Less important but still disturbing: America may cease to exist as we know it

I arrive at this conclusion because two very different people arrive at the same conclusion for two very different reasons.

Camille Paglia, as well reasoned and restrained as any Lib, thinks America is sailing toward the crapper because right-wing radio nuts like Mark Davis are fomenting revolution among us other right-wing nuts. Paglia’s proof was found in this passage:

"I was utterly horrified to hear Dallas-based talk show host Mark Davis, subbing for Rush Limbaugh, laughingly and approvingly read a passage from a Dallas magazine article by CBS sportscaster David Feherty claiming that 'any U.S. soldier,' given a gun with two bullets and stuck in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, would use both bullets on Pelosi and strangle the other two."

Uh oh, I thought it was funny too. Does that make me a bad person? Come to think of it, there's nothing like a good joke to make a right-wing nut want to grab his gun and go out shoot the Speaker of the House.

“Utterly horrified” by Mark Davis reading Feherty’s line on air and chortling about it? Come on Camille. Feherty’s line was just a reworked lawyer joke. You’re trapped in a pit with a hungry lion and a lawyer. You have a pistol with two rounds. What do you do? Shoot the lawyer…twice.

And as you know Camille, the best humor always has an element of truth to it. Myself, I’d shoot Harry the war is lost Reid twice, leave bin Laden alone with Peloser so HE could strangle her. Then I’d take bin Laden alive and turn him over to Holder’s Justice Dept. to see just how seriously they were taking this war on Islamo-Terror-Fascists, uh sorry – make that: this war on man made disasterists.

The other source for my conclusion is from Thomas Sowell who is as well reasoned and restrained as any Conservative. Sowell believes we’re sailing toward the crapper because we refuse to take seriously the life and death issues of the day. Sowell begins his argument this way:

"One of the many signs of the degeneration of our times is how many serious, even life-and-death, issues are approached as talking points in a game of verbal fencing. Nothing illustrates this more than the fatuous, and even childish, controversy about 'torturing' captured terrorists."

And ends with this:

"If we have reached the point where we cannot be bothered to think beyond rhetoric or to make moral distinctions, then we have reached the point where our own survival in an increasingly dangerous world of nuclear proliferation can no longer be taken for granted."

Sorry Camille, I think Mr. Sowell has the more compelling argument. America is more likely to sail into the crapper because the Dear Leader and his lemming MSM propaganda machine refuse to take seriously the clear and mounting threats facing this country than because Mark Davis chuckled at an old lawyer joke on the radio.

1 comment:

MarineDad said...

New to your blog, Lex. Stumbled upon it researching the rantings of Ms. Paglia. Complex woman, that. But I agree, way off the mark on this one and emblematic of the double standard of which the right is victim. Ms. Sykes can wish El Rushbo dead with no more consequence but a dearth of laughter but Feherty and Davis catch absolute Hell re-telling an old lawyer joke.