Monday, May 04, 2009

It's time for the Greeks to lead the world again

Every time the Dear leader makes a boneheaded move, which is about 3 times a day currently, the MSM always begins the story with same theme, “How could such a smart guy make such a stupid move?”

One of the latest things the “smart guy” fouled up was when, at his 100 day show, he made a fool of himself by asserting Churchill said, “we (the British) don’t torture.” Turns out Churchill said no such thing. Some of the real “smart guys” – as opposed to poseur smart guys like the Dear Leader – have provided ample proof that not only did Churchill never utter the actual words, he didn’t particularly agree with the sentiment - even in a Machiavellian sort of way.

Machiavelli would have insisted that he opposed torture to appeal to the masses and look benevolent. The whole time he’d be engaging in the very sort of activity that he denounced to maintain his power. Hmmm, sound like anyone we know? Is the new term going to be Dear Leaderian?

Another of the Dear Leader top ten dopey things to say was when asked if he believed in American exceptionalism he replied off handedly, “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”

Ahh, yes the Greeks. Anytime there is a crisis in the world, the world responds with, “Where are the GREEKS!” And as the people to most successfully explore space, put a man on the moon, defeat the Soviet Union, harness nuclear power, save Europe from itself twice in a single century, build the Panama Canal and find a cure for polio, why shouldn’t the rest of the world look upon the Greeks as exceptional? Had the Greeks done any of that maybe they would be considered exceptional in a worldy way. But America did them all. Greeks were exceptional during a different time in world history. What an idiot.

I don’t think the Dear Leader is smart in the way we think of Albert Einstein as being smart. I think the Dear Leader is savvy in a sort of Slip Mahoney way. He always lands on his feet in spite of his idiocy. Any political person who attended the right Rev Wright’s church for 20 years would be done. If that pol were white and sat in a church where white race baiting were going on, he’d probably be up on trial for hate crimes. If guy got a sweet heart house deal from Tony Rezko he’d be up on racketeering charges.

I think the Dear Leader is nothing more than the king of the punks - an affirmative action hire slipping under the radar with a smooth delivery and a tissue thin resume. But as long as the lemming MSM continues with the Wizard of Oz like presentation refusing to pull the curtain back, America will continue its march toward government controlled banks, union controlled industry and equal outcome based laws and programs replacing equal opportunity. When that happens, it’ll take 5 generations to restore American exceptionalism. Until then, at least we’ll still have the Greeks.

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