Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jack the Ripper SCOTUS appointment

The Dear leader has hit the quadfecta with the SCOTUS nomination of Sonia Sotomayor:
Woman – Hispanic – judicial activist – racist. Were she a black woman with a Hispanic name who was a judicial activist and a racist, the Dear Leader would have hit quinfecta. But sadly for our Dear Leader, black racist women with Hispanic surnames who happen to be judicial activists are rare as hen’s teeth. But hey four out of five ain’t bad.

Hey, what happened to the empathy the Dear Leader was looking for in his first SCOTUS nomination? Sotomayor seems to very un-empathetic…well at least toward white men. Can you imagine if John Roberts or Sam Alito had said, “I would hope that a wise white man with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

It’s impossible to imagine Roberts or Alito being that dumb or that openly racist and sexist. If they even approached that kind of language, they would be pounced upon by the political and media hyenas and forced to apologize 10,000 times before being exiled to a remote corner of Wyoming or Montana. But when the Dear Leader’s appointment to SCOTUS uses the exact same language to disparage white men, well come on that’s perfectly OK. Nothing to see here folks just move along. Just more Lib hypocrisy. Nothing really that we don’t see 1,000 times every single day of the week.

But let’s face it the Dear Leader can get away with appointing Jack the Ripper to SCOTUS as long as it turns out that Jack is a Hispanic woman. Brain-dead Libs and their enabling MSM lemmings along with the Colin Powell Republicans will confirm anyone the Dear Leader sends up – except a white male.

It’s another sad day for America. But this is what America voted for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The grand standing at the confirmation hearing will be unbearable. I refuse to watch the boot licking. Old white lib male senators will be graveling for Puerto Rican voters. "I love Carlos Santana, tacos, and low riders," says Senator Dipshitz," Why I almost named my oldest son Juan instead of Bill Clinton Dipshitz!And now my hard hitting judicial question...Can my new Lexus be registered in Massachussetts if I live in Cape Cod?" Blah, blah, blah, BS.
The Griffin.