Thursday, June 04, 2009

Dumb and dumber

Hey the dear Leader finally took a break from kissing the a$$ of every dictator in the world to say he was “saddened” by the death of Army recruiter William Long. By contrast the Dear Leader was “shocked and outraged” at the murder of late term abortionist Dr. George Tiller.

So our Dear Leader is only saddened at the death of a US Soldier gunned down on our streets by a home-grown black Islamo-Terror-Fascist. Sort of like your saddened when your elderly grandmother passes away or like you’re saddened when you learn of a car accident that killed a teen somewhere.

Saddened that a soldier is gunned down on the street in America, but “shocked and outraged” at the murder of an abortionist? I don’t like the Dear Leader. In my book, buffoon barely begins to describe this dolt. But doesn’t the dope have people to say, “Hey, you got these two things backwards. We’re sad that Tiller was gunned down but we’re absolutely livid that Muslim jihadis have brought their brand of terror to our streets. What’s next, a homicide bomber at a crowded Dairy Queen on Friday night? A Beslan type siege at one of our schools? This will not stand. The FBI and CIA are to coordinate activities to stop this type of activity using any all means at their disposal. Waterboard them if you have to.”

But it was busy day for incoherent statements fro the Dear leader. In addition to the idiocy above, the Dear Leader told the French that "if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". America one of the largest Muslim countries in the world? This after the Dear @ssbag told the world America was not a Christian nation? WTF?

78% of adult Americans identify themselves as Christians. .06% of Americans identify themselves as Muslims. So it would make perfect sense for the Dear Dolt to ignore our founding documents, the words of the founding father and the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans identify themselves as Christians and tell the world that America is NOT a Christian nation. Then in the next breath claim that America is one of the largest Muslim nations because .06% of Americans identify themselves with that faith.

If idiocy were a crime punishable by degree, the Dear Leader would get the electric chair. I think I just found another hair in my banana pudding.


Anonymous said...

The serious threat to the US is not with crimes against late term abortion doctors. It is with the I slamo-Facist-Terrorist Nutballs that would kill us thousands at a time. Of course he had to tone that way down because he was speaking in Cairo this week to Muslims and did not want to upset them. Being everything to everyone is being nothing to anyone. He is a tepid vapor mist without form. He is not made in America. The Griffin.

Anonymous said...

Lex -

You must have seen their play book. Unfortunately I think islamokazi attacks will come to America along with IEDs and all other manner of terror that the religion of peace is known for.

AF Bro

American Vet said...

Bully for you!!! Well said and accurate as can be. I have read several of your blog items and I couldn't agree with you more. Keep up the good work, but be prepared: as you become more popular, the left is going to grind you up. But a good Jarhead can take as well as give. PS, my grandson is a Marine in Afghanistan. I was Army myself.