Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Convention for the Let's Talk About Anything but our Record Party: Day one

Harry Reid mugshot parody

America’s most famous pederast, Harry Reid, pictured above in a mug shot after an @$$ whippin’ from 78 year Hillda Grimes who caught the Scrawny one peeking into her grandson’s bedroom window, put down his collection of kiddy porn long enough to lie his way through a 30 minute speech to the DNC.

The most Scrawny one gives Little Barry credit for moving heaven and Earth to get bin Laden. One problem Scrawny, having removed the last reference of God from the Dope platform it’s pretty clear not too many Demo-Dopes believe in heaven or the deity who resides there. So you’ll need revise that reference to he moved Earth and…what? Besides is prosecuting the CIA agents who got the information on bin Laden’s where-a-bouts really moving Earth and Earth? Or is it just plain stupid?

Never one to give up on a lie, Scrawny Harry brought up the number one issue among thinking Americans, what’s in Romney’s 1996 tax return. Keep lashing that dead horse Harry he’s a winner. If only he’d get up and run.

Harry also whined about having a front row seat to the Tea Party take over of the Republican Party. Yes you did. In 2010 they gave the Dope a real, now how did Little Barry put, oh yeah, shellacking. After 2012, you’ll have a back row seat Harry.

What the Scrawny one didn’t bring up was Little Barry’s record of record 5.2 trillion in deficits leading a 16 trillion dollar debt. He didn’t bring up 8.3% unemployment and tell Americans what we need is 4 more years of Little Barry to get America back to work. He didn’t bring up the price of gas or the decline in American household income. Wonder why?

Oh and while we’re on the Scrawny one, his worthless off spring, Rory Raccoon Reid, stands to make a sweet profit off of his old man’s thieving of US Taxpayer dollars. Scrawny Harry is directing 5 Billion or so of your tax money to a ChiCom green energy company that hired Harry’s worthless and incompetent boob boy son to lobby for them. Nice work, if you can get it. But you cannot get it unless you’re part of the CorruptoCrat machine.

But the night belonged to Moochy the mooch Moochele O-PBo. Moochy had a tough task - finding someone new to blame the incompetence of her punk husband on. What she did quite amazingly was make the case that the government is the only answer. We are all the avatar Julia now. Cradle to grave security from the government, when they decide to turn on the gruel machine and if they allow us to move into our very own 110 square foot apartment in 27 story building of 110 sq ft apts. Isn’t that what Cabrini Green in Chicago was?

Anyway, with unemployment at 8.3% and gas at $4 a gallon and debt so deep few see an easy way out, many will be willing to jump on the government gravy train. Why struggle to pay for other people’s stuff with a job when you can hop in the cart and have other people pay for yours?

There is a stark difference in the tone of the two conventions so far. The Demo-Dope bitter whiners message of if you can’t build it, we’ll redistribute it to you including sex change operations for convicted murderers.   And the Republican message of we’ll give you opportunity to build your own future.

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