Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work place violence up in Afghanistan

There has been a rash of what are euphemistically known as blue on green deaths in Afghanistan. Blue on green is what Little Barry, Leon Panetta, Eric the wad Holder, and their butt boy, bag carrying four star Marty shut up Dempsey call “work place violence.” In the fashion of Maj. Malik Hassan who murdered 13 in the Ft. Hood shootings, Islamo-Terror-Fascists are using their positions inside the military and the police to kill NATO personnel.

Seriously, isn’t that EXACTLY what Maj. Hassan did? Yet the brain dead inside the Little Barry administration termed that savage and cowardly act “work place violence.” Marty is so worked up over the whole thing he had drop the bags he was carrying, stopped calling on private citizens to stop exercising their constitutional rights, put on a light gown, took a powder and has laid down on the chase lounge in a dark room. Patton would pistol whip this coward.

Note to Little Barry and his @$$ clowns: It’s not “work place violence.” It’s war.

The 47%
Lex has noted at least a million times here that this election will pit those who are looting the US Treasury against those who are trying to fill it. The 47% who pay no taxes and wait with cups and bowls in hand by the flat screen in their 500 sq ft 3 bedroom government provided apartment for the government to turn on the gruel machine for their daily ration are Little Barry’s people.

The MSM is trying to make a big deal of Mitt Romney stating the obvious:

"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. Alright, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that they are victims, who believe government has the responsibility to care for them, who believe they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing."

That is a 100% true statement. It encapsulates 99.9% of Little Barry voters. The other .1% are the rest of the lock step 98% black vote and guilty whites who don’t fit the description – Hollywood dopes, MSM creeps, university profs etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember on television the cheering we saw in the Mid-East as the twin towers fell on 9/11/01? The murder of thousands of Americans was cheered. The latest round of murders against Americans, according to P-BO, Hillary, and Susan Rice was due to a movie. Our dolts apologized up and down for a movie. The terror gang-bangers across the Mid-East must be laughing their collective asses off. Israel must be wondering if there is anyone left that is sane in the US government. And as P-BO and Hillary meet our dead emabassy people at Andrews I honestly wish they were not there. They conspired to lie about what caused their deaths. Then lied. Just another photo op. Does P-BO rub the Nobel Peace Prize as the Mid-East burns and Americans die? These people are fakes and cannot be trusted. After Iran produces a dirty bomb, and someone in Topeka draws a Muslim Slandering cartoon, should I be worried? We should be worried everyday. These people want to kill us everyday. And not over some home movie, but because we are Americans. The Griffin.