Friday, September 14, 2012

Shrilldabeast and Little Barry knew

It is usually fun to mock Little Barry and his assclown menagerie of an administration. That is as long as he’s just destroying the economy with QEIII and culture with interviews with the Pimp with a Limp. It’s fun as long people aren’t being killed due his total incompetence.

The little dip $h!t who accused Romney of shooting first and aiming later, said Egypt wasn’t an ally and wasn’t an enemy. Then the State Dept. put the lie to Little Barry’s statement. Why yes Egypt remains a key non-NATO ally with all benefits associated with that designation. Then a la “the cops acted stupidly,” the White House itself had to walk the shoot from the lip look up the facts later comment on Egypt back.

Now there are reports that the State Dept was warned of the attacks 48 hours in advance and did nothing. So I guess some enterprising Republican can take to the floor of the Senate and hold up a New York Post that screams with a banner headline SHRILLDABEAST CLINTON & LITTLE BARRY KNEW!

As bad as that is, it is not the worst sign of this administration’s total incompetence and hell just plain indifference to the death of an American ambassador. Intell is a murky business. You cannot be paralyzed by every threat. But you should at least be aware of the threats. Not Little Barry. Little Barry continues his campaigning and has no time for intell briefings. He has continued his practice of skipping his daily intell briefings since the attacks.

Then there is the absurd notion that the idiotic film Innocence of Muslims caused the events of 9-11-12. The film can be found here. It’s gotten over 500K hits. Let’s push it over a million. If you click on the link, you might even get a surprise call from Gen. Marty can I carry your prayer rug for you Dempsey begging you not to exercise your freedom.

Here’s the big problem with blaming the film. The film was released in June. It seems to me waiting 4 months to become outraged about a dopey film and having that outrage mysteriously manifest itself on 9-11 is a bit all to convenient. It is, in the words of Ben Franklin, bull excrement.

Here’s another mystery associated with the film. All of the 80 or so of the “actors” involved with film are claiming that they were duped into doing the film. Yeah, right. A couple maybe. All 80 or so? I do not believe it for one second.

The film had no more to do with the events of 9-11-12 than Carl the leviathan catfish in my pond. Google Innocence of Muslims and read the descriptors. Nearly all attribute the violence on 9-11-12 to the film. If not for the film it would be cartoons, if not for cartoon, it would be burning of korans defaced by Muslim prisoners, if not that false reports of guards urinating on korans. All we know for certain is that there would be some perceived slight to Islam sufficient to justify murder.

ASIDE:  Note to the MessNBC crowd.  If Terry Jones and the makers of the film should be prosecuted as accessories to murder, what do we do with the folks over at Newsweak who ran false reports of guards urinating on korans that led to several deaths at the hands of followers of the religion of peace?

Yet there was Shrilldabeast Clinton the great ignorer of intell holding a tutorial directed at Muslims about how we deplore the film. Huh? Deplore the film? No we don’t. We don’t give a crap about the film. Make 10,000 more and we’ll care even less. What we care about Madame Shrilldabeast is the ever growing population lunatic murdering Islamo-Terror-Fascists that populate the world. They and they alone are responsible for the events of 9-11-12.

So as Charles Krauthammer would say to the ITF, go to hell. The creeps at the State Dept are too busy trying to cover their extra wide Shrilldabeast @$$es to say it, so Lex will, go to hell.

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