Friday, September 21, 2012

Need to cancel Little Barry action movie

During the Cairo riots at the US embassy, Islamo-Terror-Fascists were reported to have been shouting “there are a billion Osamas Little Barry.” I guess that rhymes in Arabic. That means Little Barry’s running to and fro spiking the football for single handedly taking out the human garbage know as Osama bin Laden (21 mentions at the DNC) is pretty much blowing up in his ugly sail eared mug.

Never one for the truth, Little Barry and his d-bag water carriers took to blaming the fiasco on some here-to-fore unknown film. So insistent was Little Barry, Shrilldabeast, UN Ambassador Rice, and J the carnny barker Carney that they could barely put more than 3 words together without mentioning “the film.”

So riddle me this Batman, if some unknown film led to these jackasses rioting and murdering and shouting “there are a billion Osamas”, what affect is the release of the professionally produced, relentlessly promoted Little Barry docudrama Zero Dark Thirty: Little Barry’s fearless take down of Osama bin Laden going to have these creeps? Will Little Barry be hauled out of the White House by police at 1:30 in the morning for questioning? Will we finally learn who released state secrets for the production of the Little Barry love film? Will the libs be calling for censorship of the Little Barry epic? Hmmm, we’ll have to wait and see, but I seriously doubt it.

Then a terrible thing happened to Little Barry. Couterterrorism Director Matt Olsen let the cat out of the bag that “the film” wasn’t cause of the nut job up rising. To put a finer point on it, when asked about the deaths of the four Americans Olsen said, “They were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our Embassy.” Pretty plain huh.

Well not plain enough for an affirmative action pass through like Little Barry. Yesterday during an interview with the Spanish Speaking Network, Little Barry just couldn’t help getting the lie in one more time. When asked by the guy who tells Little Barry what to say why he insisted on telling the lie again after it had been debunked, Little Barry whined, “Well, what do expect? There’s no teleprompter out there. What was I supposed to do think for myself?”

In the same interview Little Barry was confronted by the host about not passing immigration reform as he had promised to do during his first year. Little Barry blamed his utter failure on Republicans. Little Barry went on to school the audience that he only controlled one branch of government and that it took all three. ASIDE: I know Little Barry is the “constitutional expert” but what does the judiciary have to do with passing laws?

Nice try Little Barry. There is only one flaw in that assessment. The Demo-Dopes controlled both houses and the Oval Office. They had an ironclad lock on the Senate with 60 votes during the first year. ASIDE II: Could the constitutional expert possibly be thinking the house and senate are each a separate branch of government?

Debate strategy
I read a bit about the senatorial debate between Scott Brown and High Chief lies her @$$ off Warren in MA. Squaw Warren had a good argument in the heavily Demo-Dope state of MA. She knows Brown has more integrity than she does, so she made a direct appeal to Dopes to reject Brown because if Brown wins Demo-Dopes may lose control of the senate. “Vote for me or OK senator Jim Inhof will become chairman of the Senate Committee on climate change.”

Seems to me that when you don’t much else that may be a good strategy for Republicans as well. Vote for me to kick Scrawny Harry Reid out his leaderless “leadership” position.

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