Tuesday, September 04, 2012

National Empty Chair Day

In honor of Clint Eastwood’s mocking of Little Barry, yesterday was National Empty Chair Day. Oh you missed it.  Too bad. Above is my entry to Facebook and Michelle Malkin. The structure is the deluxe outhouse on the Lex compound. Notice the seat is down. Little Barry has to sit while peeing. There is the unused basketball from the Scott Brown basketball challenge. Like the punk that he is, Little Barry likes to talk a good game and the Lamestreamedia are happy to perpetuate the lie that Little Barry can play but for some reason Little Barry is afraid of someone who “plays white.” That’s a lady’s set of golf clubs and the “White House beer.” The bottle makes clear Little Barry didn’t build the beer recipe. Like everything in Little Barry’s life, the “White House Beer recipe” isn’t no talent, no driver, no know how Little Barry’s. Someone else made that happen. Here are some of the entries. Many are quite funny. I particularly like the one of the chair bowing to the Saudi King. And The People’s Cube slams as usual.

Alan West is great. Watch this.

Billybo put some ice on it Clinton isn’t a great guy. America’s best know philanderer, groper, rapist, exposer is flaking for Little Barry. Watch the heartbreaking way this Navy SEAL’s mom destroys both Little Barry and the disbarred embarrassment know as Billy boy Clinton.

Unless there is something very unusual, like a Demo-Dope telling the truth, there won’t be much news on the Demo-Dope convention on Lex website. I cannot bring myself to watch even 10 seconds of it. Will have to recap from info on Breitbart.

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