Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The roach speaks

Just when you think a scum bag like America’s favorite pederast Scrawny Harry Reid couldn’t sink any lower, the filthy little roach scurries from under a drain cover somewhere to spread more BS. The most scrawny one took time away from photo shopping himself into his expansive kiddie porn collection, to say that Mitt Romney has “sullied” the Mormon religion.

Nice. All the pederast is doing is reminding people that Romney is Mormon. Nothing else explains it. It’s like Hucksterbee saying, “They believe the devil is Jesus’ brother, right? I don’t know. I’ve heard that.” It is nothing more than the Scrawny one saying, “Hey, in case you have forgotten, Mitt Romney is a Mormon.”

Like the 47% remark Romney ought to run with it using these talking points:

Mormons believe in charity, I donate over a third of my income to charity. Harry what were charitable contributions last year?

I donate more of my time to worthy causes, like saving the Olympics, than Harry does to his 24/7 effort to expand his already voluminous child porn collection. Harry what have you ever done? For the last four years, you have failed to pass a budget that is required by law. Child porn aside, doesn’t that make Harry Reid a criminal of sorts?

All my life, I have sat in a church where we proudly thank our Heavenly Father for our good fortune rather than sitting in the pew of church where the pastor damns America.

Harry Reid is clearly off one of his 5-8 prescription medications and on some illegal substance. He ought to take time away from funneling billions of tax payer dollars to ChiCom energy companies that hire his otherwise worthless offspring, to check himself into rehab.

I pray for Harry Reid’s full recovery.

If I could draw

Obama Campaign Removes Obama Flag Poster From

I’d take this obama-nination and have it flat on the floor of the consulate in Benghazi. Around it lay three dead Americans whose oozing blood trails forms the O. The stripes are formed by the blood dripping from the fingers of our dead ambassador as his body is dragged out by a couple of Isalmo-Terror-Fascists.

Michael Ramirez, take this idea and run with it.

Slander the Prophet of Islam
While kowtowing to the creeps at the UN yesterday and while throwing the Catholic Church under the bus at home Little Barry Said:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

So Little Barry can dictate rules for Catholics and that’s OK, but we’re supposed shut up about a violent dysfunctional cult masquerading as religion. So riddle me this Batman, who does more “to slander the prophet of Islam,” non-believers who draw cartoons of him or murdering scumbag believers of the prophet who kill innocent people because they are offended by the cartoon? The greatest slander to the prophet has to be from followers of the prophet who cannot leave the 7th century and insist on acting like savage @$$bags at the slightest provocation.

So before the UN makes it illegal to do so, let me say, F*&K Islam. Until the “moderate Muslims” become the loudest voice in that religion, they shouldn’t be given credit as a “great religion.” It is a violent cult that is responsible for the majority of what’s wrong with the world today.

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