Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bayonets and Boats

Navy Ships and Bayonets
I was surprised when some knowledgeable people agreed with Little Barry’s BS about comparing ships to bayonets and horses during Monday night’s debate. Even Mrs. Lex concurred that Little Barry had a point but was a d-bag in making it. I thought the point was off the mark as well. Here’s why:

On form, remember the condescending tone Little Barry used? Little Barry wanted to come off as some sort of military know-it-all so he used that condescending tone. Except we all remember condescending Little Barry was the same dope who referred to a Navy Corpsman as a Navy Corpse Man. So we all know that Little Barry doesn’t know squat about the military.

On facts, every service rifle still comes with a bayonet. We probably have more rifles than we did in 1916. Little Barry was just plain wrong about having fewer bayonets.

Then Little Barry referred to submarines as “ships” that go underwater. As any bubblehead knows, submarines are never referred to as “ships.” They are boats. NOTE: While bubblehead could be an accurate term to refer to Little Barry and his d-bag VP, in this case it is a term service members use to refer to anyone in the submarine service. I suppose it comes from when subs use air to blow out ballast creating great walls of bubbles.

Next, as we used to say, quantity has a quality all its own. If all you have is a small number of high value assets the tendency is to husband the resources. Sort of like not wanting to take the fire truck out to a fire because there might be a larger fire while you’re out. Also think of how a chess player uses his queen. There is a huge strategic and tactical advantage to having smaller ships deployed forward. You can never refer to anything military as a pawn, so let’s refer to smaller forward deployed ships as a picket.

Next, as Paul Ryan pointed out, the oceans aren’t getting any smaller. There is a minimum number of ships required to cover the area and our strategic interests.

Last, Navy ships are a critical part of the strategic missile defense. As such it would really be a huge advantage to have enough to provide strategic missile defense for forward deployed troops, friends, allies and our own coast.

So yeah, Little Barry was an @$$ in his response to Romney’s suggestion that we needed more ships, but was also and more importantly an uninformed @$$. None of which is surprising, sadly.

Abortion firestorm
Republican IN senate candidate Richard Mourdock stood in support of the life of a baby conceived by rape. If you believe that life begins at conception, Mourdock’s position is the correct one. The child conceived as a result of rape has committed no crime and is as innocent as any other baby.

Think of the movie Rob Roy. When Rob’s wife is telling him that she was raped by the villain, she weeps, “I could not kill it, husband,” “it” being the baby. Later, when Rob goes off to meet the villain in a battle he is sure to lose, his wife asks, “what of the child?” Rob says, “If a lad, name him Robert. If a las, name her after my love.” Spoiler alert: Rob makes it home.

We can’t all be so noble and clear minded. That doesn’t mean we cannot strive to be or appreciate those who are.

Dopes are already attacking Romney for Mourdock’s position. The war on women is re-born. But it’s really re-born into what it always was, a war on the un-born.

Ft. Hood Shootings
The Pentagon refuses to reclassify the shootings at Ft. Hood as a terrorist attack. Why? Well of course the Pentagon is populated by a bunch of sycophantic yes men. Having Ft. Hood reclassified as a terror attack so close to the election wouldn’t look good for Little Barry. So “workplace violence” it is.

If Ft. Hood wasn’t a terror attack, nothing is. Do not hold your breath for anyone with the brass to drop their stars on Little Barry’s desk or SecDef’s desk or any service chief’s desk over this. After all, its only 14 dead people. You’d think there would be at least one though. How about the commander of Ft. Hood? Where is he? Shouldn’t he be front and center shouting BS at the top of his lungs? No. Better to keep quite and work within the system all the while protecting their own careers.

I don’t get it. Men of such honor and valor are stone quite in the face of this injustice and just plain BS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama: Taking America From Behind.
The Griffin