Friday, October 19, 2012

Little Barry's horrible day

What a horrible day for clueless Little Barry. First a Gallop poll comes out that shows Romney +7. Don’t believe it. Work twice as hard.  Call one more friend or family member and make sure they vote.

Then the gift that just keeps right on giving to the Republican party, Slow Joe nuclear war is funny as hell Biden, accuses Paul Ryan of aiming bullets at the American people. Slowest of all Joes let lose this gem:

“I don’t understand how they believe and they do believe Ryan has written a book called The Young Guns with two other members of the House, no these are Republican leaders in the House. You had, unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you.”

Now how does a party and their lapdog media that blamed the Gabby Giffords shootings on Sarah Palin for putting targets on a congressional map square Slow Joe’s remarks? They don’t. Nothing to see here. Just keep moving along.

But Oh-So-Slow Joe the Box-O-Rocks wasn’t done. The nation’s #1 buffoon went on to ask a crowd if they knew anyone who had served in Iraq or Iran. Pederast Harry the roach Reid, who happened to be standing behind his Slowness, along Dim-A-Dope NV Senate candidate Markey, both raised their hands. Really? It must be Cambodian war hero John François Kerry who is heading up our secret war in Iran.

There really is no bottom to Slow Joe’s stupidity.

Then, on The Hags aka The View Whopper Whoopie Goldberg told Ann Romney that Mitt Romney didn’t go Viet Nam because Mormons don’t serve in the military. Well there’s one more thing to put on a list in 8 pt type seven rows per sheet of paper that stretches from here to sun and back now 10 going on 11times. Ever the gracious one, Ann gently corrected the Whopped. Beside, shouldn’t Dimm-A-Dopes be head over heels for guy who they believe - rightly or as is the case here wrongly - as a tenant of his deeply held religious principles opposes war? Weird huh? Whooping Cough can’t stand a guy she thinks can’t stand war.

Then on the Daily Show Little Barry referred to the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya as “not optimal.” Hmmm. That is what has bothered me most about the Benghazi attacks. The attacks themselves were bad enough but the administration’s and in particular Little Barry’s reaction to the attacks was, in my opinion, worse or as Little Barry might say not optimal.

The first time I saw him truly agitated about the attacks was when he was put on the spot during the debate. Look at all the events leading up to that moment. Look at him rush off and give a couple of fund raisers hours after the event. Look at him on the View and Letterman. He’s not mad. He’s very casual about the whole thing, no drama Little Barry. We had the “bumps in the road” comment and now this. He should be really pissed off about this, but the only time you can see any anger is when Romney takes him to task. And what’s he pissed about then? The attack? No. He’s pissed about Romney taking him task.

Then the disbarred Billy boy put some on ice on it Clinton thows Little Barry so far up under the bus, he landed next to right Rev? Wright with this:

"Governor Romney's argument is, 'We're not fixed, so fire him and put me in.' It is true, we're not fixed. When President Obama looked into the eyes of that man who said in the debate, 'I had so much hope four years ago and I don't now,' I thought he was gonna cry. Because he knows that it's not fixed."

Keep right on talking Billy Boy.

Then in a really creepy and weird bit on MESSNBC the unhinged Larry O’Donnell challenges Romney’s son Tagg to fight for Tagg saying he’d like to have taken a swing at Little Barry for calling his dad a liar. Tough guy Larry's act reminds me of Izzy Mandelbaum from the Seinfeld show.  Well there you have it.  Tagg wants to take a swing at Little Barry and big bad Izzy O'Donnell steps up. 4 Americans are murdered and the buck stops with the Shrilldabeast. There's a question on Benghazi during the debate and Jabba the Hut, uh, wait, no, Candy Crowley saves his worthless butt. I know the Dimm-A-Dopes think they are doing Little Barry a favor when they try to cover for the waif. In reality they make him look like a helpless little punk always looking for someone’s skirt to hide behind. OK, OK I know. He is a worthless little punk.

Little Barry’s night ended at the Alfred E. Smith dinner in NY where Mitt Romney kicked his butt…again. Romney’s bit was truly laugh out loud funny. Why? Because there’s a bit reality in all of it. One talking head opined that the dinner means nothing. Not one vote will be gained. I disagree. People like a candidate who can poke fun at himself. They like a guy who can sum up his opponent’s entire campaign in jokes in 5 minutes. Of all the killer lines Romney leveled on Little Barry, I thought the best line was on the Dimm-A-Dope lapdog media.

We both have our jobs to do. Mine is to lay out a positive agenda to get the country back on track. Yours is to make sure no one hears about it.

When Little Barry grabbed his sippy cup and headed off to bed with his blanky he must have been thinking WTF (Win the future).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you posted early this morning. It appears as the election day gets closer some of the idiots you mentioned are ingesting more bath salts and Red Bull. As the pollsters search under every rock in the Ohio River for an undecided voter, I have moved to the top of the bleachers to get away from the crazed crowd. I will be glad when the 6th gets here. The key word this week for the wife and I was "binders". We still don't get it. My kids don't get it. My outlaws don't get it. My friends don't get it. I refuse to buy a Webster's New-New Slagword 97th Edition Dictionary to follow a debate. We decided if we don't already know the top three meanings of a word we probably don't need to know it. Alive and Well in Ohio...The Griffin.