Monday, October 01, 2012

The power of the office and a lap dog MSM trouble for Romney

It’s difficult enough to unseat an incumbent. It’s nearly impossible when the incumbent is an unprincipled excrement smear like sail eared Little Barry who is actually willing to use the US treasury as an unlimited campaign contribution. It’s made even more difficult by a MSM that is so deep in the tank for Little Barry that they barely even try to hide their preference for their favorite failed Bozo any more.

There is a story that over a million Little Barry phones have been issued in Ohio alone. Fortunately, nearly all of them went to un-shameable colossal ignoramuses like this pathetic loser. It is unlikely that this cretin would ever even consider voting for Romney or anyone else who would politely tell her to get a job and buy her own damn phone. So essentially, Little Barry is buying votes he already had. But WTF (win the future) it’s not his money. So, why not?

A month or so back Lex linked to another woman, only a point or two on the stupidity scale behind the un-educateable creep in the video, who opened her purse to reveal 5-6 Little Barry phones that she’d picked up and was actually unashamedly bragging about it. I mean why be ashamed, the Little Barry phones are "free."  So the money is coming from Little Barry’s stash - right? In what is apparently a Chicago style strategy, Little Barry is now expecting 5-6 votes from the woman.

We now know how cheaply Demo-Dopes’ votes can be bought. A Republican would demand an iPad, a lap top or better.

But hey what’s little vote buying with tax payer money? The Dopes have been doing that for 60 years. How about using the federal government to cover up a stunning foreign policy failure? How about misinforming your press secretary and UN ambassador and having them go out repeat a lie about some hokey film being responsible for an incompetent Sec State that didn’t take even a cursory interest in the protection of an American Ambassador. Now you have to believe that J the carnny barker Carney and Susan the sock puppet Rice are two of the dumbest people alive to buy into the line of crap Little Barry was filling them with or they are in on the cover up of the murder of an American Ambassador at the hands of Islamo-Terror Fascists.

But don’t worry. The cover up continues. The intell guys are now telling us the current Middle East mess is entirely their fault and Sec State and Little Barry have nothing to with the monumental failures there. Well, at least they aren’t blaming it on Bush…yet. And that whole "the buck stops"...uh...ummm... where?  Oh yeah, with the intell guys and/or Bush.

And how’s this for irony, Ambassador Stevens is dead, the ITF have gotten away Scott free and a Christian American “film maker” is in jail for exercising his first amendment rights. WTF (win the future)?

Not to worry. Demo-dopes are demanding a thorough investigation…AFTER the election.

Then there’s the pack of Wyle E. Coyotes over at justice who have gotten away with running a mind numbing and criminally stupid gun running program into Mexico. That stupidity has resulted in hundreds of murders including US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. And…nothing. They claim Bush started the program. But he didn’t. The Bush program, something called Linebacker, actually tracked the guns and arrested the people buying them. The program Bush started ended under Bush, because it was deemed to be too risky.

Then there’s this. Read the whole thing about the ITF attack on Camp Bastion. How can this have slipped by our watchdog media. Simple, they were out watching Mitt Romney and busy splicing tape to make him look bad and manufacturing polls.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Doug- Came across your blog quite by accident. Would love your address!