Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Enough of "cool"

If this was a student council race how would it look? Cool pot smoking punk in the cool kid clique with a phony smile and ready line of BS for whoever might pass by. His running mate is the class clown a jackass in aviator shades. He’s just back from flushing a cherry bomb down the faculty toilet. They beat the earnest and serious kid who can’t make many friends because he’s…well serious.

The cool kids go on to spread council money and school favors among their “cool” friends. Everyone else suffers. The cheerleaders and jocks all love the punk and the jackass. The rest of the student body notices the things aren’t so cool any more around campus. Other schools are openly laughing at the punk and the jackass. The cool kids are shaking down the rest of the student body stealing their lunch money to pay for cool kid weekend parties.

A new kid steps in to run against the punk and the jackass. He’s not cool at all. He’s the worst kind of un-cool. He’s competent.

The cool kids are all tweeting about what a nerd the new kid is and how we ought to give the cool punk and the jackass another shot. The rest of the student body isn’t buying what the cool kids are selling. And funny thing happens, the cool kids realize there are a hell of lot more un-cool in the high school than cool. The big deal about being one of the cool kids is that so few actually achieve the status.

Of course Little Barry and Slow Joe chains Biden are the punk and the jackass. The cool kids - the cheerleaders and jocks - are Hollywood morons and the Lamesteamers. The student body is the rest of the electorate.

We tried the cool kids. They looted the treasury, heaped cell phones bought with our lunch money on their friends, wasted billions on green energy grants to their cronies, propped up their BS regime with tax payer money from a billion dollar boondoggle know as the stimulus. It’s time for boring competence.

Big Dope
Little Barry and other cool kids are in an uproar about Mitt Romney wanting to pull public funding from PBS. Good. If they think that is a winning issue, go for it. In the second term, when they have more flexibility, maybe they will force us to watch PBS by pulling the plug on everything else. That’d serve us right thinking people right – right? You laugh. What’s the First Bigg @$$ doing with school lunch programs – uh other than starving kids? She’s replacing our commonsense with her do gooder BS sense. And she’s getting away with. Who has stood up to the First Vacationer? No school that I know of has said, “Thanks for your interest Moochelle, but no thank you. We will not be complying with your nonsense. ”

98% of think PBS is a colossal waste of money. First if you ever do tune in, they are probably in one of their nonstop fund raiser modes. Then what’s on? The News Hour without Jimmy public money Lehrer. Jimmy has been replaced with a couple of George Soros automatons. That’s right Soros has loaded PBS up with about 2 million dollars to buy Soros-like “news” people.

Anyone with a brain would think it absurd to take tax payer money from a government that is so broke it can’t afford to pay attention to subsidize an entity that makes 300 million dollars a year. The same is true of Planned un-Parenthood. That entity makes millions upon millions of dollars a year performing abortions. Yet they get public money. YGBSM Lex! No I’m not.

Romney had a home run in the debate with his simple test for government programs, is it so necessary that it is worth borrowing money from China to pay for it. PBS and Planned unParenthood fail that test miserably.

Besides, aren’t people who watch PBS the most pretentious self important bunch of dopes in the population? Pretentious self important - isn't that an accurate description of the Lamestream media and Hollywood?  If I watched, I’d never admit it. Dropping PBS into a conversation about anything, other than de-funding it, is like just coming out and saying, “I have so little credibility on this subject that I better drop a ‘I heard on PBS’ in here somewhere.” When I hear, “I heard on PBS…” my immediate reaction is to say STFU before another syllable is uttered.

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