Thursday, October 04, 2012

Little Barry's Debate performance: Beaten, steam rolled, chopped, diced, pureed, run through a fine strainer and the process repeated

Stream of thought stuff:
Wow! What an old fashion beat down.

By Fri expect 10,000 references to and 100s of political cartoons of Romney debating an empty chair.  Yeah, Clint Eastwood sure missed the mark. Didn't he?

It looked like Ward Cleaver explaining macro economics to the Beaver

Sticking with the Leave it to Beaver theme, it looked like Eddie Haskell getting caught being himself.

For the first time in his entire affirmative action pass through life, Little Barry now knows what it feels like to have to stand on your own not having someone there to bail his scrawny know nothing, do nothing, be nothing butt out. Oh, and this is important, no do overs, no grading on an affirmative action curve.  It was out there, and everyone saw it.

Lex was right. Little Barry is a dope. He couldn’t even get through his 2 minute closing remarks which had to have been totally rehearsed and memorized.

Little Barry looked like a fool. Well, probably only because he is a fool.

For kicks I tuned in MESSNBC after the debate:
It was funnier than a Pink Panther marathon.

Rev? Al not so SHARPton was in a lather. What a bunch of clueless dolts. The entire night it was how Romney lied and Lehrer didn’t protect Little Barry the way he should have.

Pissy Matthews was noticeably dejected. The thrill up the leg is apparently gone. Pissy’s last hope was that the “fact checkers” would catch Romney in a lie. As Lex noted yesterday, the “fact checkers” are all in the tank for Little Barry so they will SAY they caught Romney in a lie. They’d do that no matter what.

If things go well for Republicans on Nov 6th, I encourage everyone to flip over to the MESS on NBC for a few minutes at a time (about all anyone with a brain can stand) for a good laugh. The Tweets they were running at the bottom of the screen were priceless as well. The Little Barry nation is in a full on panic.

Romney must have read Lex yesterday:
As Lex advised, Romney drove a steak into the heart of the Little Barry lie about Romney supporting a middle class tax increase.

Romney also cleared the minimum requirement of presenting himself as an acceptable alternative to Little a mile...or two...or three.

He also heeded my advice of pretty much ignoring the moderator. That really POed the MESSNBC dolts.

Home runs:
Hammering Little Barry’s green energy boondoggles. “You don’t pick the winners and losers, you just pick losers.”

When Little Barry brought up tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas, Romney schools the sail eared dope. “I’ve been in business 35 years and have never heard of such a thing. Maybe I need to get the name of your accountant.”

Test for every government program, “Is it so essential that it’s worth borrowing money from China to pay for it.” AWESOME! Good bye Post office, Amtrak, the UN, NEA, etc.

Jimmy public money Lehrer looked like a female 22 year old first year substitute teacher who majored in English trying to control my senior year VoAg class. About half way through, if he could have, public money Lehrer should have called in our principal Mr. McCann to restore order - just like the substitute did. He should have at least polled the audience, like they do during a medical emergency (Is there a doctor in the house?) is there a moderator in the house?

Public money Lehrer’s big tell about how deep in the tank he was for Little Barry was during the debate on the deficit. He kept saying to Little Barry “So you prefer the balanced approach?” Way go Jimmy. You’re doing a heck of a job. Also, clock keepers note Little Barry managed to talk for 4 minutes longer than Romney while not saying anything.

Also, NOT including closing statements, Little Barry both opened and closed the debate.

Next debates:
In the lamestreamers never ending effort to drag Little Barry and Slow Joe across the finish line, the moderators from here on in will be even more in the tank for the Demo-Dopes. They will attempt to make Romney/Ryan stay on point of their dopey Demo-Dope talking point questions. When that happens, a well placed, “Excuse me _______, you are not on the ballot. You ask the questions. I answer them. The people decide if my answer is on point. Not you. Now, please don’t interrupt me again.”

Little Barry will be much more aggressive from now on, so he’ll screw up somewhere down the line for sure, because he’s an undisciplined punk.

Left on the table:
Not much. When Little Barry talked about what he is "going" to do, Romney could on every occasion have said, “Little Barry, you’ve had four years. What in the world are you waiting on? Get off the golf course, skip a vacation or two, and get to work.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The lib press faunted over Pres Dimwit for 5 years and now they can't beleive how shot-full-holes their guy is this morning? Reminds me of the pro boxers that take their entourage around. You Da Champ! You are the best! Then the boxer plays the mole in the whack-a-mole game and gets "shellacked". Kind of like what happened in Nov 2010. I saw the PMS-NBC folks last and this morning. They should look in the mirror to find out why their guy got pummeled. The Griffin.