Friday, April 12, 2013

Homosexuals don't want to join the Boy Scouts, they want to destroy them

Lex noted that if SCOTUS affirmed homosexual marriage that it wouldn’t be six months before Bruce and Harlan sued the Catholic Church for not performing their wedding. Well, it didn’t even take that long. The assault has come even before SCOTUS’ decision. CA is moving to strip nonprofit status from the Boy Scouts for refusing to allow gay Scoutmasters.

This is a First Amendment issue:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The right of the people peaceably to assemble is freedom of association. Unless you consider corny joke with no swear words or bad loud singing violating the peace, in all my years of association with the Scouts they have never once been anything other than peaceable. While they do not choose to associate with all variety of people, they do not condone racism, sexism, homosexual slurs, political attacks on either party etc. etc. They start every meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Scout Oath, the Scout law and at St. Vincent’s a prayer. Yeah, that’s one hateful organization.

Some stream of thought on this in no particular order:

How many homosexuals want to become Scoutmasters for purposes other than making a sociopolitical statement? I’ll bet damn few.

I think the goal for here for militant homosexuals and their fans is more to destroy the Boy Scouts than join them.

For the Boy Scouts, it’s a fool’s errand to try to attract the very people who want to destroy your organization.

While we’re on the religious nature of Scouting, why are Muslims excluded from the gay fatwa? Why are the Scouts, who do not tolerate any homosexual slurs, descend upon while Muslims get a pass when they openly attack homosexuals in the streets?

Shouldn’t CA be repealing Muslim nonprofit status?

Like moderate Muslims, apparently moderate homosexuals do not exist. Where has one prominent gay man or woman stood up and said “Leave the Boy Scouts alone. They are doing great work ministering to young boys and men. We do not need to be a part of that if we are not welcome.”

Scout troops mostly associated with religious organizations. Mormons and Catholics need to establish some kind of Boy Scout defense fund and counter sue anyone who comes after the Scouts. They need to take the broke state of CA to court and seek damages in the 10’s of millions of dollars.

When Bishop Rhoads issued his “We will not comply” decree on LBcare (hereafter to be known as Robertscare), I was approached by a friend to join the Knights of Columbus. The pitch was, the Bishop is looking for men who will stand with him against an encroaching government. So I joined. Surprisingly as a Catholic men’s group there are no women, Jews, Protestants, Muslims, homosexuals or even Catholic men not in good standing with the church.

Given this open discrimination, this must be a group the most hateful men imaginable. No not at all. In fact money raised by the Knights and service provided by Knights, like the Catholic Church, is issued in accordance with need irrespective of religious affiliation, sexual orientation or any outward social markers.

Practicing openly homosexual men will never be welcome in the Knights of Columbus. Will the Knight's nonprofit status be revoked in CA?

How about any group that excludes anyone into the membership? Isn’t that discriminatory? Why can’t I join the high school marching band, other than I’m not in high school, can’t play an instrument and don’t want to march.

It seems to me that people ought to be able to associate with like minded people based on politics, religion, hobbies, interests etc. and if they don’t infringe upon, denigrate or harass others they ought be left the hell alone.

Right now, ironically, it’s Scouting and religious freedom that are being infringed upon by people, who in the name of diversity, insist we all act the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely written, Lex. Timely, too. Here's a brief blurb from the American Conservative magazine...good mag, by the way. Here 'tis:

"Sex After Christianity
Rod Dreher
Gay marriage signifies the final triumph of the Sexual Revolution and the dethroning of Christianity because it denies the core concept of Christian anthropology. In classical Christian teaching, the divinely sanctioned union of male and female is an icon of the relationship of Christ to His church and ultimately of God to His creation. This is why gay marriage negates Christian cosmology, from which we derive our modern concept of human rights and other fundamental goods of modernity. Whether we can keep them in the post-Christian epoch remains to be seen."
