Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Trust me. I'm a politician.

I do not need to go through the litany of lies to establish that King SFB is a liar – either that or a colossal dope.  I subscribe to the theory that he’s equal parts of both.  In any case why would anyone with a brain knowing his track record trust him - on anything?  If SFB – the same SFB that told you Robertscare would save you $2,500 - told you that water in the Dead Sea is salty, would you believe him?  Being such a shameless non-stop lying POS, I’d demand a taste before accepting SFB’s word.

Yesterday SFB shifted from an economy in ruin, a myriad of scandals, Robertscare disgrace, joblessness and a foreign policy in shambles to talk about – oh what is it these days – global warm-mongering/cooling/change.  So just one question, if you cannot trust this walking talking excrement smear on something he touts as his signature achievement, Robertscare, why would trust him on something in a very long list of things he KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT?

The latest thinking on global warm-mongering/cooling/change is that weather is going to become more extreme.  That’s the new way to attribute anything that may occur with the weather to global warm-mongering/cooling/change.  As Dr. Krauthammer said last night on Special Report, “If your theory proves everything, it proves nothing.”

A couple of years ago the global warm-mongering/cooling/change BS artists were worried about rising oceans and snowless winters from the Earth slowly turning into a cinder.  Remember AlGore’s famous “the Earth has a fever” BS?  All of that talk has mysteriously disappeared recently – which is really weird because we all know the science is settled and the debate is over.  If it’s so settled, why do the predictions keep changing?

Seems to me if the science has been settled for the last 10-15 years so would the predictions.  10-15 years ago, the oceans were due to rise causing wide spread flooding.  Today the draught in California is attributed to global warm-mongering/cooling/change.  10-15 years ago we were never going to see snow again.  Now, last year’s record snow in the east was caused by global warm-mongering/cooling/change.  Mindbogglingly stupid.

This is what we can expect until November.  Dopes will be throwing every issue they can dream up against the wall to see if anything sticks.  Sad thing is Republi-Rats are likely to play along with most of for fear of offending any of the protected classes which is everyone not working, worshiping or wondering how we slid so far so fast.


Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
The debate is over. California will be stuck by an 8.0 or larger earthquake in the next decade. It will cause $250B in damages and kill 3,000 to 18,000 people. It will happen in less than two minutes. Global Warming hah! The feds now need to begin forced relocation of Californians and quick! It could happen tomorrow! Of course nothing will happen. After the quake people will rebuild right back in the same spot and wait on rising sea levels to wash their home away. Then they will move to Nevada. The government warnings are just made up BS. If saving life, limb, and property, was the driving force, then clear out Southern California.

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
By the way, I spoke with Phil my insurance agent. I asked if State Farm offers global warming insurance yet. Of course he broke out laughing. He said no to that and yeti-car insurance too. We all know if the lying, thieving insurance companies had any possible way to make a buck on it they would. So it has been left to Al Gore to head up selling carbon credits. The Mafia would not touch that one though. Way too underhanded for them.