Monday, May 12, 2014

Weekend stuff

Add Boko Haram to Shilldabeast’s greatest hits: Assad’s a reformer, Russian reset, Benghazi, the Arab Spring, cattle futures, vast right-wing conspiracy et al. 
Don’t blame the Shrilldabeast for NOT designating Boko Haram (BH) a terrorist organization.  First, like lib Dopes here in the US, BH’s major beef is with Christians.  So I’m sure the Beast had to have just a bit of sympathy for their cause.  Second, BH is comprised entirely of Eric the wad Holder’s people.  As such, they were sort of untouchable.  It was made clear early on in King SFB’s rule that - unlike the bitter clingers who would feel the full weight of the BLM, IRS, FBI, NSA… - SFB and the wad would not take kindly to administering the law or terrorist designations equally among their people.

Things that do NOT make sense
Romney – raise the min wage.  Yes raise it to $150 an hour so we can wipe out poverty all together and forever.

Paul – voter ID offensive.  Yes it is.  It’s only offensive to people trying to commit voter fraud.

Pope – “legitimate redistribution” of wealth.  Yes we should start with the Vatican’s art collection.

Jamis Winston – “honest mistake” while stealing.  Admit you are a lying thief.  Give up football for politics and move on.

Smart guys Vs. Dopes, guess who wins…again?
When dopes in government try to control smart people with dumb laws this is inevitable.  I love the line in the story when the genius from New Yorkers Against Gun Violence tells us, “The gun is still lethal. Yes, it can still kill people.  Duh.  Isn’t that the point of most sporting rifles – or what government lame brains call assault weapons?  Or would you prefer women at home alone get a shotgun?  (CAUTION:  Link leads to a top 5 funniest videos - ever.  Lost time is inevitable as you call others to come watch it over and over.  Oh, did they speed up the voice of the "guy" doing the interview?)  Oh, is there an organization that is PRO gun violence?  Doesn’t an organization opposed to something suggest that there is a large number of people in favor it?  Aside from gangs, I don’t think anyone is in "favor of" gun violence.  So wouldn’t it be smarter to start an organization entitled New Yorker Against Gang Violence?  Why in the world does an organization like New Yorkers Against Gun Violence exist?  Isn’t it like an organization titled New Yorkers Against Rape.  Aside from the Clintons and rapists, who is for rape?  Idiots.

Slow Joe Biden: confused idiot or dumbazz liar
Bakers bake, roofers roof, plumbers plumb, so what do liars do?  Let’s ask oh so slow Joe two blasts and a garden variety slap Biden.  Biden is soooooooo dumb he insists on telling the same lies he’s already been busted on.  That makes Biden the variety of liar that lies habitually, continually, for no apparent reason and may even come to believe his own lies.  Biden is such a despicable bald faced lying sac-O-crap he makes the Jon Lovitz’s pathological liar character on SNL look like the “I cannot tell a lie” version of George Washington we all learned before PC BS artists turned the indispensable man into a criminal.

ASIDE:  Re-read that sentence.  It’s beautiful.  It lampoons Biden and the PC left, invokes Washington in his rightful place as the “indispensable man” in American history and contains a SNL reference.  You just cannot get these kinds of links reading people who know how to write.

Anyhoo, in short Biden is a quadruple pathological lying idiot.

Now I can see having a few too many and telling a story and stretching it a bit.  We’ve all done that.  What was an average fish who got himself foul hooked while you were trying to un-snag your line - a fish who essentially committed suicide - after a few beers turns into a wily monster you played for 20 minutes before finally setting the hook then battled for an hour because you were using two pound test fishing line tied to the end of a three foot bamboo tomato stake for a pole – because that’s all you had.

That’s not what Biden has created here.  He sat at a desk. He thought about it (As far as Joe Biden’s thought process goes).  He wrote this entire line of BS out.  He supposedly reread it.  People who knew Biden and therefore knew he was lying supposedly checked it.  And yet they go with the lie?  Jeez um Pete, you’d expect someone in the process to say, “Joe that’s not true.  It’s a good story at a cocktail party, but you cannot publish lies – particularly ones this easily checked.  For your own good, that story (uh lie) is out.”   Then, then, THEN he sticks with the lie even after he’s exposed as lying crap sac.  What’s next?  King SFB tells us we can keep our healthcare plans if we like them?  Cambodian War hero John Francoise Kerry recounting his Cambodian War exploits?   Peloser tells us she’s really, really smart and has NEVER had a single botox treatment.  John boner head Boehner tells us he has NEVER used a tanning bed?  How dumb do they think we are?  GIVE IT UP.  PLEASE.  It’s disturbing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
This will sound bizarre but here goes. If you trust someone, and you know they are lying, you figure there is a good reason he is doing it. "So Mr. Washington, what are you doing Christmas eve across the river from Trenton?" "Taking it easy boys. relaxing." Yea, okay. Then whack, pow, zam, he whips the Prussians, kills their general, and wins the battle of Trenton. But we know Slow Joe and King SFB are habitual liars now. King SFB is a dangerous lying idiot, and Slow Joe is just a lying idiot. Here is a possible thought. The Dems get rolled in November. The press knows they have been used, lied to, and set up time and again. When King SFB's power is gone we all know that all kinds of books will be written. The press is minimally complicit in a lot of this crap. The press has minus 1000 on the cred scale. If they do not turn on SFB before end of 2016 they are going to be laughing stocks. Watch for press to start turning on WH and SFB. If they don't then all the WH correspondents should just be added to the steno pool. They have no other use.