Friday, December 05, 2014

Black "leadership" now the most racist people in America

NY City Mayor De Blasio has called the police racist and doubled down by saying that not only are the police racist but Americans are racists and have been for hundreds of years.  I believe he's right.  White elites, De Blazio's fore runners, were racist DemoDope slave holders.  Once the Republicans cleaned that mess up with a Civil War, the Dopes became segregationists.  Once the Republicans cleaned that mess up with civil rights legislation, the Dopes took to buying black votes with affirmative action programs that stoke racial animus, government handouts that have destroyed two generations of black families and 50 years of just plain Ferguson type pandering that turns a blind eye toward the truth.  The Dope's policy toward blacks for the last 50 years can be perfectly summed up by one George W. Bush's "bigotry of low expectations."

Everyone knew - expected - Ferguson would burn...again...when the Grand Jury released its decision. Everyone knows - expects - when a white guy or even a "white Hispanic" shoots a black guy riots protests etc. will ensue.  Everyone knows - expects - that the facts of the case will make little or no difference to the race hustling agitating pimps, starting with El Presidente The Empty Suit himself, who are still walking around shouting "hands up don't shoot" even though there is more proof of the existence of the Easter Bunny than there is of Mike Brown complying with police on the day he was shot - or any other day for that matter.  

That's about where we are today racist Dope agitators stirring the pot at every opportunity to keep and gain power and raise money.  Additionally, something major has changed along the way.   While it used to be elite white DemoDopes like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Margret Sanger, Bull Conner, KKK grandee Bobby Byrd, Ernie Hollings, Lester Maddox, Al Gore Sr., George Wallace, Wm. Fulbright et al who were the clear raging racists, now it's the elite black "leadership" that are the most racist people in America today - Dopes all.  You've come a long way baby.

Supreme Richard cranium and so-called Rev? (never had a congregation) Jesse Hymietown Jackson said juries in the US "corrupted by racial considerations" must "pay the price."  Hmm, who determines if juries have been corrupted?  The rabble rousing race baiting BS artists like Jackson?   Pay what price?  Physical harm?  House burned by by a Dope mob?  What price?  So if Hymietown Jackson doesn't get the outcome he wants in Ferguson, it's OK to burn the town down?  In the process destroying the livelihood of  minority store owners who had NOTHING to with anything involved in the shooting or the Grand Jury.  Or is Hymietown Jackson advocating just killing off Grand Jurors who don't toe his BS line of racism?

But it's not all bad news.  LA Miss. Piggy look-a-like Mary Landrieu is likely to get her extra wide butt kicked on Saturday's run-off election.


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