Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tribal morons want excuses not opportunity

The indispensable Michael Ramirez nails it in a single frame.  Yet where do the race baiters from El Presidente The Empty Suit and Eric the wad Holder on down want to focus 100% of the attention?  On the cops.  Most particularly on white cops.  The reason the race baiters focus on whitey is simple.  It’s easier to assure the black underclass – think TESphone lady here – that the only reason they are not chairman of the board of a big corporation is that whitey is holding them down.

It’s a lot easier sell BS to the uneducated, undisciplined, unholy mob of tribal morons than truth.  The tribal morons actually look to congregationless agitator Revs? for “leadership” before a Ben Carson who demands the that notion that “a thug is a thug” needs to part of the wad’s conversation on race precisely because it requires no effort on their part.
It’s a lot easier to perpetuate a myth that a black guy had his hands up to surrender and was shot than it is to face the truth that the guy was a petty thief and thug resisting arrest with his hands down.  Same with the Eric Garner “I can’t breathe” myth.  Garner was a petty criminal and thug.  He was disrupting the commerce in a neighborhood and the mino store owners called the cops.  The cops were dispatched by a black precinct captain under the supervision of a black sergeant.  Garner was committing a crime and resisted arrest.  Garner was taken down and sadly died an hour later.  Had he been choked, as the myth demands, he’d probably have died on the spot.

All of the BS is an easier sell to the tribal morons than the truth.  It’s easier to tell the tribal morons that whitey owes them something than it is to encourage them to earn it.  What’s easier, to tell someone, "all of your problems are because of white racism" or to demand that they "stay in school and apply themselves, stay off drug, don’t join a gang unless it’s the church choir, don’t carry a gun, don’t impregnate your girlfriend until you both have jobs?"

The congregationless agitator Revs? have their shtick down to a science.  They know exactly how to appeal to the mindless tribal moron mob.  “It’s not your fault.  Sure, you’ve made no effort to get ahead.  In fact you’ve made a dozen or more poor decisions that will do more to doom your future than anything Simon Lagree did to keep your ancestors down.  But we knew the deck was stacked against you all along.  So why try? Don’t tell me about Asians, Hispanics, Indians, and other immigrants achieving the ‘American dream.’  Underclass black tribal morons are different.”

And so they are.  Quick!  Name the congregationless agitator Revs? who show up in the Asian community to rouse the rabble?  Now a Hispanic congregationless agitator Rev??  Ah there aren’t any.  Only the black community strains under the weight of such “leadership.”  The congregationless agitator Revs? are anything but leaders.  They are very effective excuse mongers.  Sadly, it’s a hell of lot easier to make excuses for problems than it is to fix problems.
So why is the congregationless agitator Rev? Al Not-So-Sharpton soooo welcome in TES’s White House?  Is TES not aware what a despicable race baiting azzclown the Rev? is? No, he knows.  That’s partly why TES is happy to be seen with Not-So-Sharpton.  It’s another poke in the eye of descent Americans.  I actually believe that a lot of what TES does is done for nothing more than spite.

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