Wednesday, December 03, 2014

‘Tis the season of myth, fantasy and legend

There’s the growing myth that thieving, dope smoking, thug and punk Mike Brown was running away from Officer Darren Wilson with his hands up shouting “don’t shoot.”  The brightest among us – NFL players, Rev? Al Not-So-Sharp-ton, El Presidente The Empty Suit, the wad Holder, the trash @ PMSNBC and other PC MSM outlets among them – have all fallen for the biggest ruse since Henny Penny was struck by an acorn and believed the sky was falling.  The big difference is that Henny Penny actually believed the sky was falling.  That cannot be the case among the MSM and self-serving pols pushing the “hands up don’t shoot” myth.   But they repeat the lie so loud, so many times and with such certainty that they work the rest of the barnyard animals into such a frenzy that the only answer to such an injustice is to go loot a minority owned liquor store.  Muslim agitators and communists are playing the part Foxy Woxy inviting the hate-filled, lathered up, racist idiots into their den for tea and crumpets.

Then there’s the fantasy that if we turn in out in droves creating a wave type landslide election for Republi-Rats that these slimy Caligula D.C. ruling class invertebrate scum will clean themselves up, grow a spine, walk up right and begin to do what’s right for the country.   Instead of fighting the good fight, the gutless Rats pre-surrender to El Presidente TES by promising not to use the ONE weapon at their disposal to stop the destruction of the country.  Lex correctly predicted what the go along get along - sure I have time for a couple more bottles of wine before my next tanning appointment - Rat response to Dope overreach would be:  NOTHING.  After being given the biggest electoral victory in memory in Nov, instead of wielding the will of the people like a mighty sword against a petty, petulant, lawless tyrant, Rats are assuming their natural position curling into a fetal ball and begging TES to please not hurt them any more.   Gulliver is crying and wailing and begging a single Lilliputian to please stop kicking him.  Disgusting!

There is the legend of a great Republican leader once upon a time who stuck to principle.  He lowered taxes and the economy grew.  He funded the military and the world respected the United States.  He called the Soviet Union by name – an evil empire – and the empire wilted.   Could there really have been such a man?  Are OJ Boehner and Mitch McConnell the remnants of the once proud party the great Ronaldus Magnus reinvigorated?  Could we possibly have sunk so far?  Strayed so far from principle just to get along with Dopes and their MSM lemmings?  Or was there ever even a Ronald Reagan to begin with?  The current state of affairs and Rat “leadership” would be a heck of a lot easier to explain if Ronald Reagan had never existed.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Recently viewed facts and the Myth of the National Discussion people say they want... but not really. Some facts for the discussion, 1) 50% of all crimes are committed against blacks. 2) 50% of all arrests in the US are of blacks. 3) Two thirds of black people shot by a cop are shot by a black cop. 4) Two thirds of all whites shot by a cop are shot by a white cop. And the DOJ has long term hard data to list out. Remember that the national discussion is nothing without the facts. Good luck on the responses you get because you are of course racist for adding these to the discussion.