Monday, December 22, 2014

Shooter to blame, egged on by the usual suspects

Police heroes:  NY City Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu  RIP

I don’t like it when instead of blaming the scumbag responsible, lefty libs blame guns every time there’s a senseless shooting.   So the guy I blame for shooting two police officers on Saturday is Ismaaiyl Brinsley.  (Hmm, anything odd about the shooters first name?)  Of the all the people who might be blamed for inspiring Brinsely to commit his heinous deed, the one trick pony known as the NAACP is still saying lax gun control made the crime possible. I am willing to bet the Griffin’s next pay check that Brinsley violated about a dozen gun laws before he ever pulled the trigger on two of NY City’s finest.  The NAACP’s claim is nothing more than a distraction from their own culpability for stoking hatred among minos towards the police.

While Brinsely is the guy who pulled the trigger, he was egged on by nit wits starting all the way back with MO Governor Jay Nixon who urged the “aggressive prosecution” of the police officer involved in shooting petty thug Michael Brown while Brown’s hands were down and he was charging officer Darren Wilson.  Nixon’s stupid remarks presupposed Officer Wilson’s guilt as they came before the grand jury’s decision.  Idiot.

You could attach blame for stoking the flames of racial animosity and hatred toward the police at the feet of El Prsidente he Empty Suit, his Richard wad AG Eric Holder for doing nothing to attempt to tamp the race baiting down.  Quite the opposite  the two stocked the flames for political gain ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.

You could blame NY City Mayor Bill De Blasio who- like TES - is more likely to side with the lawless mob than the guys standing between you and the mob. What dumbazz DeBlasio is going to find out is what every parent, teacher, coach and manager knows – it’s easier to start out in control than try to regain control after you’ve let the mob get out of hand by being their “friend.”  Deblasio set the stage for violence against the police with his thoughtless remarks but more by his willingness to let the mob shut down streets, bridges and assault the police.  Now he’s no doubt going to try to stuff his self-made genie back on into the bottle.  Good luck.
Race hustlers like Revs? Al Not-so-sharp-ton are, as always, at the center of this kind stuff.  He’s a liar, tax cheat, accomplice to inciting riots and is a disgusting human.  He a bigger criminal and thug and punk than Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin combined.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
And what is Mr. Mayor going to do when he is not invited to the memorials and funerals of the murdered cops? Go to Hawaii for 17 days? Lead a parade for the cops when no cops will show up? Have a sit down with some unknown black NY preachers to have a "support your local cops" BS summit? The NY media will be interesting to watch. After this weekend the NYPD is not a soft media target anymore. Press credentials can get lost. Cars get towed. Letter carriers and fire fighters are union workers sympathetic to the cops. This mayor and media are screwed.