Thursday, March 28, 2019

Indiana University picks safely liberal liar as commencement speaker

I don’t want to cry before I am bitten, but I just learned that Barry The Empty Suit’s chief unmasker – Sammy the bull(sh*tter) Power – is going to be Indiana University’s commencement speaker on May 4, 2019 – the day Lex jr. graduates from IU.  Unmasking, as you might recall, is when the government exposes the name of an American citizen incidentally caught up in intelligence surveillance of a foreigner.

TES loosened the standards for unmasking of Americans caught up in a foreign surveillance scams initiated by his own corrupt DOJ, FBI and his intelligence agencies headed up by disgraced lying scum bag "stone cold" losers Johnny the red Brennan and Clap on Clap off Clapper.  Sensing a go ahead from the top, TES’s unscrupulous azzbag brigade set about exposing hundreds of Americans – many PDJT associates – after Shrillda the Hutt took her wild azz beating on Nov 8, 2016. 

Sammy the bull(sh*tter) Power – a TES official with no apparent intell related function nonetheless - is suspected of unmasking as many as 300 Americans in this TES inspired BS move.  Sammy the bull(sh*tter) Power denies the allegation.  The IG’s investigation my shed some light on the unmaskers.  We'll see or maybe we won't.     

I do not know what the theme of Power’s address will be.  Let’s just say, I’m certain it will be safely Loony left liberal.  After all, we wouldn’t want to trigger any snowflakes on their graduation day now would we?  Notice there never seems to be any worry about triggering conservatives on campus. 

I was going to send IU a love note:  Sammy the bull(sh*tter) Power as your spring commencement speaker?  Really?  Are you afraid of being unmasked by her?  Let me guess, Jussie Smollett, Keith Olbermann, Tom Arnold and other lying leftist losers weren’t available.  Who else did you consider?  My guess is that you took the coward’s way out and only considered safely liberal speakers to avoid a riot and the inevitable hecklers veto from the virulently vocal and violent and but still a tiny minority of leftist snowflakes in the IU student body. 

I’ve decided to wait to see what the lying POS has to say before whining like a cut dog.

Mueller and the left in one meme

PDJT is rallying in Meatchicken tonight
It will be epic must see TV.

There's new grass on the field
It's opening day for baseball.  I have an interest in baseball, but it's an impossibly long season to keep up with. 180+ games.  Joe McComber once observed that every baseball team wins at least 50 games and every baseball team loses at least 50, so that's 100 games that don't need to be played.  The logic s irrefutable. 

The length of the season however is part of the charm. I can follow it for a week or two and then become interested again around the all-star break.  By then I discover the Cincinnati Reds are 27 games out of first and then I'm done until the World Series.

I went to see the local single A team last year with the Griffin. The home town heroes couldn't hit a 16 inch softball off of a batting tee that night.*  The most interesting thing was listen to the non-stop - and I mean non-stop - monologue of some buy sitting behind us talking about everything from his old car to distant cousins.  It became hilarious as we exchanged glances at the course of the conversation and was way more interesting than the game.       

There was also a group of ladies who didn't see as much as one pitch while they were glued to their cell phones.  The beer was cold and so were the hot dogs.  All in all a good night at the park.  

*NOTE:  To be fair, hitting a baseball is the most difficult task on all of sports.  The very best fail at the task 2/3rds of the time and don't know how good the opposition pitcher was that night.  So...  


1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Commencement speakers should be limited to 19 minutes. One of the best I heard was John Bohnert at OSU. It was 7 minutes long. He said why are you students still here? Get a job! Goodbye. Perfect. I think he wanted a cigarette. Worst I have seen was David Gergen at The Shoe. He took an hour to say America is screwed up and you students have to fix it. My daughter asked what is Gergen about? I said he was an idiot and we should ask OSU to give us our tuition money back. Iran wants Sammy BS back at UN to continue their nuke funding.