Monday, March 18, 2019

The war is on. It's time we recognized it.

Short post, as I am experiencing computer troubles this a.m.   Arrrrrrrrrrghh!  After watching a lot of basketball recently, I do not consider myself to be a white supremacist, but the left’s continued attacks on PDJT and his supporter for somehow inspiring a leftist’s loon’s attacks in New Zealand may turn me into one – self-fulfilling prophecy and all that new age mumbo jumbo. 

Christianity has been under attack by 12th century morons in the Middle East  for as long as I can remember.  The west has been under attack by morons trapped in the 12th century for as long as I can remember.  The reaction from the left is universal and always the same, “we cannot condemn Islam for the acts of a few.”  But let ne nut job cut lose and the left condemns everyone who might veer one mil to the right of their own lunacy.

It is the racist left that is forever lumping people into groups and condemning them as racists for nothing other than political purposes.  They are the real racists.  PDJT had nothing whatsoever to with the shootings in New Zealand. His supporters had less to do with it than PDJT.  The racists on the left are happy to spread a BS lie in order to advance their agenda – the destruction of America.

Here’s the sad truth.  Racist leftist don’t give a crapola about America as founded.  They don’t give a crapola about scores of dead Muslims except for how they can sand on the dead bodies to proclaim PDJT and his supporters responsible for the carnage. They don’t give a crapola about the politics of the shooter, because no matter what they will blame PDJT for his political leanings. 

Here’s a nasty truth.  Isalm has been at war with America since the Barbary pirates.  The left wants to bring the enemy inside the gates.  The left has been at war with America since Nov 6, 2016.

If rallying around a blood thirsty mob intent on subjecating the world to their BS religion is the hill that racist leftist want to die on – let’s go

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Victor Hanson says Republicans have tried to follow the "Marquess of Queensbury Rules" and lose nobly. Trump fights back using whatever he can to win and his base elected him to fight back. Hanson is correct. The war is on per Lex. Hanson predicts Trump is re-elected by a margin similar to 2016. Why? Because many people saw what happened with McCain and Romney. Be nice and lose again? Hanson says no way.