Monday, March 11, 2019

The evil troika

Anyone who thinks that a Demo-Dope socialist candidate cannot win in 2020 is crazy.  Here’s why.  There is an evil troika in America today.  The evil troika is made up of ignorance, stupidity and free stuff. 
40 years of a willful decline/failure in public schools have led to a significant percentage of ignorant and stupid people now of voting age in America.  I’m so confident of this assertion that I do not feel that it’s necessary to support it with facts.  If I were required to support it, I’d point to the Tide Pod challenge where young people were eating laundry soap on a dare.  Case closed. 
So in today’s America you’ve got a sizable percentage of the population of stupid/ignorant people being enticed with stuff - free college education, free medical insurance, a guaranteed job even if you don’t want to work, a guaranteed wage, free internet, free living accommodations, free food etc. etc. etc. Is there a doubt in anyone’s mind that the stupid/ignorant voting block – a crucial Dope voting block - is going to take the bait and run? The idea that an unending list of "free stuff" is an unsustainable model, for some reason (public education), never crosses their minds.  
Republicans should be in full opposition mode and stop mocking the left with the “cow farts” argument.  This is dangerous stuff. The Republican Party needs to take this seriously and make a thoughtful case against this madness. 
Making an ironclad case against socialism in advance of the 2020 election is the short term solution. The long term solution is for conservatives to get a grip on the education system in America.  We’ve already lost 2-3 generations to the left.  That’s the only way the madness of socialism – a system that has NEVER worked anywhere it has ever been tried – can take hold. 
Think about that.  A system that can only point to total failure is now on the verge of taking hold in America.  How is that possible? Here’s how, a total failure of the public education system generation after generation. 

Leftist think AOC is great thinker when spews idiocy like we're "10% better than garbage."  We have the highest standard of living in the history of the world and the loons on the left think we're 10% better than garbage and the gen Z ignoramuses and stupid people are buying it.  
It’s time to reassert ourselves over the abomination that is public education.  It’s time to scrap the 100 year old public education paradigm.  It’s time to scuttle the teacher’s unions – nay – all public employee service unions.     

Today’s JG rant
It’s always fun when a JG leftist questions someone’s education and in the process demonstrate their own ignorance.  In his Mar 9th letter, “Anthony Wayne Day disregards full history” Larry Davis makes this humorous error.
While questioning Jason Arp’s education he demonstrates his own ignorance in that he has obviously bought the public school system’s socialist airbrushed version of Thanksgiving hook, line and sinker.  Let’s just say that the real history of Thanksgiving is complicated and may never be known. 
What we know for sure is that it was a Christian trained Indian, Squanto specifically, rather than “native Americans” generally who assisted pilgrims upon their arrival to the New World. Governor Bradford referred to Squanto as “…a special instrument sent of God for [our] good.” 
Once Davis disabuses himself of the public school nonsense on the history of Thanksgiving, he can turn to world history.  Once engaged, it will not take long for Davis, or anyone else, to discover that since Cain slew Abel, for good or bad, the arc of history has largely been influenced by the aggressive use of force. Sadly, I suspect such will always will be the case. 
It seems to me that lefty libs are forever trying to correct the arc history addressing decades or centuries old grievances.   As Coach Holtz once opined, “It’s impossible to get ahead if all you are ever trying to do is get even.” 
It’s like an old married couple trying to save their marriage but cannot get past the petty grievances of who left seat up on the toilet or the cap off the tooth paste.   
Maybe Davis can go back and correct for all the injustices in history starting with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt in 3,000 BC and ending with the horrific injustice of Jussie Smollet being held accountable for the racist hoax he perpetrated on the American people.  At the end of the day, it will be counter-productive serving more to divide the nation than bind it together.             

Anthony Wayne Day disregards full history mar 9
It is with great anger that I read the recent comments of Councilman Jason Arp concerning the recent vote for a Anthony Wayne Day. I don't know his education, but he must have done poorly in American history or he studied the “new” history that ignores most of the true history of this country, especially the white man's treatment of the true native Americans.
Every single “white man” is an alien to this country. Our forefathers came here seeking a new life with new freedoms. If it had not been for the Native Americans, who showed them how to plant, harvest and hunt for food, they probably would all have died.
The sad part is that as the white man increased in numbers, he couldn't live at peace with the Native Americans. The white man stole every piece of land they wanted from the Native Americans. When they tried to defend their land, we called them savages and sent our army to slaughter them. We pushed the true Native Americans off every decent piece of land they called home. We broke every treaty we ever made with them. We forced them onto reservations with the worst land possible.
We stole their children and sent them to “our special schools” in an attempt to wipe out their culture and history. We made “cigar store” Indians to make fun of them. Just about every movie has portrayed them as children-killing savages or made fun of them. We introduced them to our “fire water” and turned them into drunks with no hope.
I find it somewhat amusing that the Native Americans now have so many casinos to take the white man's money.
I served in the Air Force and the Army Reserves. Arp has no right to question my patriotic love of this country just because I disagree with him.
There is a beautiful museum in Phoenix, dedicated to the Native American. I suggest Arp visit it then come back hopefully with a little more education and rethink his comments.
I thank the few councilmen who had the courage to say no to this resolution.
Larry Davis
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Native Americans fought and killed each for thoudands of years before Europeans arrived in North America. They fought over the resources. The Europeans then did the same.