Monday, March 04, 2019

Some interesting stuff

While limiting your rights, Dopes vote to expand gun rights for illegal aliens
In a “Today’s JG rant” post several under, Lex lays bare the left’s real purpose for “common sense” gun control - to wit: Take guns away from law abiding citizens. Sadly, this piece came out after my submission, but it is proof positive of Lex’s point. 

The vote on a Republican amendment to the newest Dope gun grab bill required that ICE be informed if an illegal alien tried to purchase a fire arm.  Only 26 Dopes supported the “common sense” amendment.  The rest were perfectly happy with a bill that targeted legal US citizens but gave illegal aliens a break.   

The amazing unvarnished stupidity of AOC
After 26 Dopes voted to support an amendment that would require the reporting of illegal aliens attempting to purchase a firearm to ICE, AOC said she was making a list of anyone who dare cross her on such things for a primary challenge in 2020.

This woman has combined unconstrained hubris with her immeasurable ignorance – a very dangerous combination. She ought to keep in mind that she won her own primary challenge with a 4% voter turnout.  She won the general election – she ran unopposed – with a 12% turn out. It seems to me AOC is as vulnerable to a primary challenge by anyone with a brain as anyone in congress.

The Dope purge of American history continues. 
No longer content to pull down just historic statues, Dopes in CA Are going to pull down Mr. America’s name - John Wayne – from the Orange County airport for some unquestionably racist and insensitive comments he made in a 1971 Playboy interview. 

Okay fine.  Let’s go back decades and hold people accountable to today’s standards of conduct.  Under those rules John Wayne’s name has to come down.  Fine.  Fair enough.  Now do everything in WV named after KKK Grand Kleagle Bobby KKK Byrd. Then take up the Ralph coonman Northam’s blackface scandal again.  Then take a close look at Woodrow Wilson.  That will force them to take that racist azzbag’s name off everything.       

PDJT storms CAPC, tells truth – Dopes faint
While delivering a stem winder at CPAC Saturday, PDJT told an undeniable truth - to wit: 
Right now we have people in Congress who hate our country. And you know that. And we could name every one of them if they want.

Does anyone deny that the socialist wing of the Dope Party hates America?  How many of them are in congress and currently running for POTUS?  Does anyone deny that the Dope thug army, their new KKK – AntiFa – hates America?  Does anyone deny that the Colin Kaepernick wing of the Dope Party hates America? Does anyone deny half of the MSM hates America? Does anyone deny the leftist on college campuses hate America? 

Today’s JG rant
Re Tim Tiernon’s letter “Progressive platform must include peace” of Mar 2, 2019

So much misinformation. Where to begin?

I’m happy that Tiernon and other “woke” Democrats have finally embraced Mitt Romney’s view that Russia is America’s “number one geopolitical foe.”  Where were they when their Democrat candidate, a guy as phony as the Styrofoam Greek columns carted in for the emperor’s speeches, was telling Romney, “The 80’s called and want their foreign policy back”?

Next, let’s be like Tiernon and just accept a lying former KGB commie bastard’s word that the Avangard missile is ready for deployment, despite Intel that indicates as many failed tests as successful ones.  How much sense does it make to cut the military funding that will develop the technology to defeat the threat that the Avangard missile poses?        

It’s laughable that Tiernon would accuse “Our military industrial-complex” of “demonizing Russia.”  In an effort to bring down PDJT, it is the left and its lemming-like MSM that have been demonizing Russia and Putin and in the process spawning the conditions for war since Nov 9, 2016. 
The US decided to withdraw from the INF Treaty with Russia for two reasons.  One, the Russians were violating the terms of the treaty with impunity. Two, the treaty had no effect on the Chinese.  In order to meet this dual threat, PDJT wisely pulled the US out of a less than worthless treaty. 
Last, the idea that US cannot win an arms race ignores history.  There was this thing called the Soviet Union.  It engaged Ronald Reagan in an arms race.  Reagan spent the Soviet Union into oblivion and eventual collapse.  
By becoming the world’s number one exporter of energy, PDJT has wrecked Russia’s economy whose number one export is oil.  PDJT has China’s economy on the ropes with his savvy tariffs on Chinese imports.  Unlike their American socialist comrades, the Russians and Chinese know that they cannot win an arms race with a determined America. Peace through strength.          

Progressive platform must include peace
If the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, why are progressives so disinterested in world peace?
Hawks look to our social entitlements for more war funding, but people who call themselves progressive are too timid to mention using our bloated military budget for social good.
The neocons in the Trump administration are eliminating hard-fought nuclear treaties in an effort to regain nuclear supremacy.
We are living in a very dangerous time. There is no returning to a post-World War II unipolar world. Nuclear supremacy is an unachievable nightmare.
Russia will deploy the Avangard hyper-sonic glide vehicle this year. Avangard travels at 20 times the speed of sound. It can circle the earth in 30 minutes. It is maneuverable and can carry a two-megaton nuclear warhead.
Technology has exceeded our humanity. The only defense is diplomacy and renouncing pre-emptive war and first-strike policies.
Our military-industrial complex is demonizing Russia to advance its agenda. Russian foreign policy is passive compared to the United States.
We have expanded NATO to the Russian border and surrounded them with military bases and missiles.
The Russian military posture is that they will fight conventionally as long as possible, but use nuclear weapons to defend themselves.
We cannot return to 1945. We must embrace the political and technological realities of 2019 or perish in a futile nuclear arms race.
Chanting “USA, USA...” will not improve this situation.
Real progressives work for peace.
Tim Tiernon
Fort Wayne for Peace

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